Siding With the Enemy

Start from the beginning

Shoji jumped straight into the story, breathing heavily. "We... We were ambushed, which triggered Tokoyami's quirk to go wild," he explained. Of course. Tokoyami told him of how the darkness caused his quirk to become unstable. The sudden attack must've caused him to lose control.

"RUN!" Tokoyami's voice boomed, snapping Deku out of his thoughts. The pair refused, Midoriya soon questioning exactly what happened.

"As I said, we were ambushed. A villain cut off one of my arms, and Fumikage became upset... I believe he thought it was his fault. Even though I assured them to grow back, it was too late, and his quirk took over," Shoji explained.

Deku nodded, and Shoji continued. "I was planning on leading him back to the base, and having someone create light to dispel Dark Shadow," he began, "You can help, but I understand if you'd rather help Bakugou instead."
On the outside, he forced himself to be concerned. However, he already had a plan-take out 2 birds with one stone. He hesitated for a moment, then told Shoji of his plan to lead Tokoyami to Bakugou and Todoroki, who could create light with their explosions and fire.

"And, we could do it using your Dupli-Arms," Deku suggested, "That way, Tokoyami wouldn't actually hit us."

Shoji nodded, leaving Midoriya thankful that he went along with the plan so easily.

Then, Deku addressed Fumikage. "TOKOYAMI!" he yelled, hoping he could hear him. "LET DARK SHADOW TAKE OVER!"

Both Shoji and Tokoyami gave him a confused look.

"No! Run away, please!" Tokoyami pleaded.

Deku shook his head, explaining his plan. "Let go, we have a plan."

For a bit, Tokoyami hesitated, but Deku could tell that he was leaning towards accepting the plan. In a few long moments, he eventually agreed, allowing Dark Shadow to have full control."

Immediately, Shoji and Deku put their plan into action. Shoji quickly created Dupli-Arms and had Dark Shadow chase them, so they wouldn't actually get hurt.

Eventually, they happened upon Bakugou and Todoroki, Shoji yelling out for them to create light.

Deku watched on as Todoroki began to conjure up some fire, but Bakugou stopped him.

"Wait," Bakugou instructed. "Let the bird beat this creep."
Todoroki did as he was told, and Moonfish was quickly taken out by Dark Shadow. Afterwards, the pair both activated their powers, saving Tokoyami from Dark Shadow.

Before anyone could get a word in, Fumikage began to apologize. "I'm sorry. I should've had control."
Izuku acted sympathetic. "It's not your fault, Tokoyami." Then, he moved on to Bakugou. "And, we need to get you somewhere safe," he mentioned.

The rest agreed, and began formulating a plan. Finally, they came to the conclusion of surrounding him so he couldn't be taken.

"I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!" Bakugou shouted, yet followed them anyway.

On their way to supposed safety, they happened upon a scene which included Uraraka, Toga, and Tsuyu.

Deku froze when he saw the crazed girl, worried that she would call him out. However, he didn't have to fear, as she seemed to ignore him.

"Aww," she began, "Looks like I'm outnumbered. Gotta go!" As the words came out of her mouth, she quickly retreated, leaving only the 'heroes' at the scene.

Deku heard a noise, glancing up at the treetops. He noticed Mr. Compress, hiding out. He gave him a subtle nod, and faced back down to the girls.

"You guys should join us," he offered, attempting to take attention away from the man in the trees, "Help us protect Bakugou."

They began to talk, when Tsuyu piped up. "If you're protecting Bakugou" she began, "Shouldn't he be standing here with you guys?"

Pretending to be concerned, I suggested we look around, when Mr. Compress jumped down to meet us.

"Nice trick, ey?" the man announced his presence. "I took the lad you're talking about with my magic. A talent like his would be squandered were he cast as a hero. We'll provide him with a grander stage, where he can truly shine!"

"Give him back!" Deku shouted.

"Give him back? What an odd thing to say. Bakugou doesn't belong to anyone. He's his own person. Don't be so arrogant," he teased, motioning to Midoriya.

"WE'LL STOP YOU!" I kept up the facade. Any second now.

"Right now!" Todoroki shouted, launching a surprise ice attack. Starting at the soles of his feet, ice grew from the ground, making its way up to Mr. Compress.

"Why the aggression? We merely wish to show him there are options besides the fanatical world of heroism he's drowning in. It's important to choose a path that aligns with your core values, after all."

Shoji quickly spun around as the man finished his speech. "It's not just Bakugou-Tokoyami's gone!"

"If you're monologuing because you think you've beaten us, you're mistaken!" Todoroki shouted.

Mr. Compress fiddled with the ball in his hand. "A bad habit of mine. I was once an entertainer you know," he mentioned, "Taking Tokoyami was a bit of... Improv! On my part. Moonfish, our dear Bladetooth. He may not look it, but he's a dastardly devil whose last appeal

was denied. When I saw the avian take him down so easily and violently, I decided he should join our troop..." he mused, "Speaking of... Midoriya, isn't there something you should be doing?"

Everyone turned to look at him. Now was the time. All he had to do was give the villains an escape.

Todoroki, however, seemed unphased. He quickly launched an ice attack towards the entertainer, knocking him off balance. One of the orbs he was holding was sent flying from his hand, landing in the palm of Todoroki's.

Mr. Compress made a 'tsk' noise before taking off, with the rest trying to follow after. However, Midoriya protested.

"WAIT!" he began, "Don't go after him!"

They all stared at him, obviously confused. He began to smirk. "After all, you have to deal with me first."



Wowie, that's a twist ain't it?

Except not really, because we knew it'd happen eventually.

Oh well...

Sorry about the awkward part where Todoroki uses his ice to take Tokoyami, but it was the only way I could have Deku reveal himself at that moment AND get him back. Sooo, we're left with this.

Thanks for reading! :) 

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