A few people eyed him suspiciously, and he knew he had made a mistake with his tone. "Oh uh... Sorry. Need something"

"Yeah," Bakugou snorted, "How come you've been so quiet?"

"Just been thinking, that's all. Got something wrong with that, Kacchan?"

"Well normally, you go on one of your nerdy rants. Mumbling. Whatever."

Deku gave into a small laugh. "Oh," he poked at him, "Just because I'm not being a so-called nerd means that something's wrong?" He added, "Awww, are you worried about me, Kacchan?"

Bakugou's eyes widened a bit, and Deku got a few odd looks. "It's okay," Deku continued, even though he knew he shouldn't have, "I know you worry." He snickered. "Well, you should. I'm going to get much stronger, and you won't be able to talk down to me like your little plaything anymore, Kacchan."

The entire bus was quiet then. Deku couldn't help but laugh when he saw the shocked faces around him-especially Bakugou's. He could practically see steam coming out of his ears. However, before he could say anything-or really, scream anything-Aizawa cut in.

"Hey now," he eyed Midoriya and Bakugou, "No fighting. You'll have time to improve your skills and even shake off a little steam at the camp. We're almost there, anyways."

It wasn't very loud, but he could hear Bakugou grumble under his breath. He wished he could have a little more fun, but he decided it wouldn't be the greatest idea. After all, he wasn't exactly trying to blow his cover. It was foolish enough for him to have said anything at all, but how could he resist? Bakugo was practically screaming for Deku to mess with him.

After the little argument, if it could even be called that, the bus ride held a bit of tension in the air. Throughout the trip, people were talking, but not the same as before. That wasn't a bad thing though-it meant morale was low. Good. Much easier to take them down if they're upset.

Finally, after a few hours of driving, they reached their destination. Or, so they thought.

As everyone got out of the bus, concern could almost be seen drifting through the air. Everyone was confused, asking where they were, and why they stopped on a random cliff.

Then, all of the sudden, two women, dressed like cats, came out. The women introduced themselves as Pixie Bob and Mandalay, which happened to be 2/4 of the group the "Wild Wild Pussycats." They, along with Aizawa, explained the mission. Everyone would have to make it down the mountain in order to get to the training area. And it wouldn't be easy either.

Before there could be much protest, Pixie Bob quickly sent them tumbling down the mountain, eventually landing them in a forest.

At first, there was no immediate sign of danger. However, as Mineta rushed into the forest, a large dirt monster revealed himself, as did many more. Well then. Pixie Bob will use her quirk to create these monsters, and we'll be forced to fight them to get past.

Most wasted no time in beginning the fight against the monsters, and Deku launched into battle as well. Everyone began to help each other, combining their quirks in order to defeat the beasts. Though, Deku didn't really see the point of it at the time, and began rushing ahead.

He bolted in between the monsters, knocking over the ones who got in his way. He even had to jump over some, and, at times, climb on top of them. He was actually doing relatively well when a voice interrupted his concentration.

"MIDORIYA!" Iida's voice cut through the thumps of the monsters hitting the ground.

Distracted, Deku turned around to look at him, and didn't notice the monster about to fall atop of him. However, he was quickly saved by Todoroki, who froze the beast in place.

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