"He's cold. Really cold," Lydia spoke up, I looked over and saw her holding his hand and Deaton did the same,

"Do you think this is permanent?" Scott asked for a moment,

"I'm not sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate," He said as he checked his pupils, "This is well beyond my experience,"

"So what do we do with him?" Stiles asked,

"Until he wakes up. Probably not much. It might be best to leave him with me. He'll be safe here," Deaton told us, I looked at Derek and leaned on the nearby table for support,

"You mean from Kate?" Stiles asked, and I huffed, the sound of metal twisting filled the room and all eyes turned on me, I looked down to see I had bent one of Deaton's metal table, I looked up at him and mouthed a silent sorry to which he nodded,

"If she's alive and she is what you say she is, she won't be able to walk past that gate," He told us,

"And if she tries, I'll rip her fucking head," I said to him with half-hearted smile, Scott looked over at me and I saw the concern in his face,

"Why would she want do this to him?" Lydia asked after glancing from me to Derek, to Deaton,

"Knowing Kate, it's probably for a reason that won't be any good for anyone but her," Deaton answered and Stiles scoffed,

"And bad for everyone else," he added as he looked down at the boy,

"You guys should probably go home. He doesn't look to be in any danger. So maybe the rest of you should get some sleep? It is a school night..." Deaton said to us, trying to play the adult card, but I sighed at the thought, "And you all need to start taking care of your own lives again,"

"Someone should stay with you," Scott said to him,

"I'll stay," Lydia spoke up, "My grades are fine... Despite missing a few classes,"

"Me too," I added and the others looked at me, and I gained looks of sympathy from all of them, as they all knew by now what Derek meant to me, "I can't sleep, not knowing if he's going to be okay, or if Kate's gonna try and come for him, again,"

"I'm so not okay with this," Stiles spoke up after looking between the two of us,

"Guys, go," Lydia said to them,

"No," Stiles said shaking his head,

"Text us if anything happens," Scott said and Lydia nodded,

"Nope, still not okay with it. Not going anywhere," Stiles protested but Scott turned and pushed the boy towards the door, "All right, just 'cause you're stronger..."

As he pushed his annoying best friend out the door, he turned and looked at me, but I kept my eyes on Derek, I know Scott wanted to play the big brother-Alpha role, but right now I was pass the worried phase, and anger was slowly starting to set in.

They left, leaving Deaton, Lydia and myself in the cold room. Deaton walked away from Derek and Lydia stayed by his side. I wanted to go over to him but I noticed Deaton calling me into his office, so after looking back at the pair I walked in his office. He nodded towards the small seat, and I sat down, and let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding in.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me, I looked up at him and then down at the floor, I shuffled my feet as I looked for an appropriate answer,

"Like a volcano on the verge of eruption," I muttered, "but, instead of trees and hills, its going to be my friends in the splash zone,"

"It's clear that you care for Derek a lot," Deaton said with a small smile and I nodded,

"He's been the one, constant thing in my life for a while, and yes, he's grown, changed and he's not the same man I met all those nights ago... He's the man I love," I said to him, he nodded and I shook my head, "sorry for dumping that on you,"

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