The figure I kept seeing wasn't was Sky.

(Im sorry I need to stop adding these BUT IT MAKES THINGS MORE INTENSE!!!)

I started to run faster so I could get to bf and gf before it was too late. I saw the same figure watching them as bf sang to gf.

"Bf! Gf!" I yelled trying to get their attention.

Bf stopped singing and looked in my direction. Gf also looked at me with a worried expression.

I pushed off the floor to start gliding towards them. I put in concentration into using the same amount of power I did with Updike.

Likely scenario I end up killing sky and we move on with our lives. I thought to myself.

I kicked sky in the face. She stood up with angry written all over her face.

"UGH JUST LEAVE ME AND MY BF ALONE!" She screamed before turning into some sort of demon.


Flames swirled around me and gf. It wasn't the cause of me but of someone else.

I turned around to see Yukichi. He looked pissed.

"Yukichi what are you..-" Yukichi turned the world into some glitched sunset. Instead of warm colors it was more cold. Blue clouds filled the air.

"Yukichi let me handle this." I tried to reason with him but I felt like he wasn't going to listen to me.

"Your my first friend Y/N. Im not going to lose you. You don't understand what power sky has." He said turning around. He put on a smile before turning back around to face Sky.

Sky lunged at Yukichi but he easily dodged her attack then tried to throw fire at her.

They kept fighting back and forth. Yukichi tried to light her on fire while Sky tried to turn him into a puddle of black.

Selever could see me through the flames and ran over as fast as he could.

"Y/N! WHAT HAPPEND?" He asked trying to make the flames go away. I pointed in the direction of where yukichi and Sky were. He looked over and saw what was happening.

"What about you? Are you going to fight too?" He asked still trying to break the cage of fire.

"I can't. Yukichi won't let me." I said tilting my head with a  sad smile.

" I said tilting my head with a  sad smile

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"Y/N I know you want to help your sister. Don't let Yukichi stop you." Selever said reaching for my hand. He pulled back quickly  with a burn on his hand.

"Selever!" I reached but I ended up burning myself.

The flame cage went down and left a mark in the sand. I looked over to see Yukichi on his knees coughing blood.

"YUKICHI!" I scream trying to run over but my legs wouldn't let me.

"Y/N..." He coughed more blood out.

I ran over as fast as I could but I was too late. Sky had pierced her hand through his chest.

The expression on Yukichi's face made it unbearable to look at him. I couldn't cry. I couldn't talk. I couldn't walk. I couldn't help him.

Sky took her hand out his chest holding his heart then crushing it slowly while looking at me.

I fell on my knees. Then I screamed and cried. All Selever did was sit there with me.

I hadn't known Yukichi for long but he was a nice person. He didn't deserve to die like this. And if I die to then Yukichi's sacrifice would have been for nothing.

My body stood up and summoned a weapon I had no clue that I had. My arms pull the sword out of its scabbard and pointed it at Sky.

Sky chuckled with a demonic laugh before dashing in my direction. My arms move at the speed of light, cutting her arm off.

Sky looked at her arm. I expected a angry face to look at me but instead she was terrified.

"Thats a...demonic royalty sword.." She said as she backed up. It looked like she was going to run away.

This time I had the power to run. My legs ran as fast as they could chasing after her as she started to run away. I caught up and sliced her head off. Making her body fall to the floor.

I started to feel weak. My legs had gave up on me due to all the running. Selever slowly walked to me and hugged me.

"I knew this would happen..." Selever said carrying me over to the cabin. We were too far. The flames had done something to me and Selever making both of us weak.

We both collapsed on the floor looking at each other. Tears started to fill my eyes. Selever put his hand on my cheek then pulled me closer.

We where hugging before we fell asleep on the sandy floor.

I Hãţê Yǿʉ {Selever X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now