"Music to my ears."

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Hello everyone! Thanks for choosing my story.

Feel free to leave as many comments as you'd like, I really appreciate them - even if they're criticism.

Hope you enjoy it! x

- J

You woke up after the Blip in an old woman's apartment. She was just as surprised as you were and tried her best to help you. The thing is, you had no ideia how to be helped.

When the dust settled to shape your body, you didn't remember anything. You only knew your name because you wore it in a little gold chain around your neck. At least you thought that was your name. Helen - the old lady who's house you appeared in - filled you in all that happened in the world in the last five years.

It was all a bit too overwhelming and you lost yourself for a minute, making all the furniture in the house slam into the walls. That wasn't the best way to learn about your powers but you quickly realised you'd always need to keep yourself under control so you wouldn't hurt anyone.

Helen was very kind, she didn't blame you.
She let you stay with her for a couple of days until the dust settled - no pun intended.

"There's a group of special people, like you." She said as she packed you a bag with food. "Find Tony Stark in New York. I'm sure he'll help you."

Long story short, that's how you ended up joining the Avengers.


One year and a half since the Blip and life seemed a little more normal. For everyone else, at least.
As for you, life kept getting weirder.

With the Avengers, you found a place to do some good with your powers. You didn't know where they came from or even where you came from, but this way you could help people.

The new team was a lot bigger than just the Original Six. After the whole Thanos thing, Tony wanted to build a bigger agency, something similar to what SHIELD used to be - you weren't really sure what it was, to be honest.

You keep your magic well controlled and only use it when you're alone or when it's absolutely needed. Tony helped you train in the first few weeks but quickly realised you were already trained, God knows by who. Still, you mostly stick to rescue missions, reckons, a couple escaped criminals. Minor stuff.

However, the pressure started getting to you. You were always on guard, tense, waiting for something to go wrong. Like your mind was constantly on alert, restless. It made it hard to sleep and impossible to relax.

You were in the new Avenger's Tower kitchen, one morning, grabbing breakfast.

"Hi." Sam's voice made you jump and drop the cereal box you were holding.

"Easy there, jumpy." Tony said, coming from behind him, wearing his signature glasses and a matching navy tracksuit.

"Sorry, sorry." You apologised, picking up the loose cereal with Sam's help. "I didn't hear you coming."

"What's got you so worked up?" Tony picked up an apple.

"Nothing, I'm just... stressed."

The men exchanged a meaningful look, as if they where waiting for you to say that. Tony coughed lightly.

"What?" You ask a little too rudely.
"We've noticed you're always on edge, hon. It's not good for you." Sam jumped up to sit at the counter table, his grey t-shirt leaving his muscular arms exposed.

"With this job, you gotta learn to relax when you can. Find something that works for you, take your mind off things." Tony shrugs his shoulders like it's the easiest thing in the world.

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