Prologue 3 part. Gojo check how strong Makima is.

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The next day after metting with Megumi, Gojo decided to check Makima skills.




Makima takes the phone

Gojo:Hello Makima-chan how are you? I you free?

Makima:Hello Gojo-sama i am okay, what about you? And yes I'm free just decided to walk around the Tokyo. And i guees you was right the presence of curses more stronger than in countryside.

Gojo: Wow you so nice Makima just expect for someone..."cought... cought". And yes you right Big cities very dangerous with curses.

Gojo:Makima-chan i callled you because i wanted to ask you, would you like to show me how strong you are?

Makima:Sure think Gojo-sama, when we need to go and where?

Gojo:Just go bact to the college i will wait you.

Makima:No problem

After the call Makima go back to Jujutsu college and met Gojo with Ijichi, they set in the car and Gojo inform Makima what her mission will be difficult, but Makima didn't even care how it will be difficult. And Ijichi just sweatdroped what Gojo send 13 years girl to the 1-2 grade mission.

They arrived to the abandoned fabric, which has dark aura

Makima: What the situation whith this fabric?

Gojo:Well 5 years ago, at this fabric happend fire accident more than 23 workers were killed, this is why this place has so much dark and cursed aura.

Makima: Hmmm... I see

After this words Makima ammidiately enter the fabric. Gojo and Ijichi just watched how Makima go away to the fabric

Gojo: Immidiately i like that.

Makima was inside the fabric and understand what curses will not show them self easy. Makima just started walkinging around and singing melody, at one moment Makima sense curse. That curse what huge, it looks like a dog 4 metres height without head. "It's probably 2 grade" Makima thought

When the curse sense Makima appearance it starts run to her for attacking. Makima just smile sarcastically.

Makima: Down (5%)

The curse just fall ont the floor and can't move. Makima up her finger and sad

Makima: Bang (1%)

The curse just gone only curse legs didn't disappear of her technique. After that Makima sensed another curse in the second floor. She walked and saw 7 curses, they lookes like the creatures without arms and eyes. "Group of curses, i see well lets look what they can do". When curses sense Makima they started scream very loud and run to her.

Makima: Probably the sound attack, but it didn't make some trouble for me. So let's see how much can you take it.

Makima said with the smile,immediately Makima stand in front of them and start beat curses. She sensed what they week and she can killed only without curse energy.

Makima make the holles in the curses stomach, she rips of curses legs, heads and jaw. She did that with death smile.

Makima: That was easier than i thought

She was covered in curse blood after that fight, but Makima was steal satisfied. She didn't even realize how strong she is. She leaved the fabric with the smile

Gojo pow:

Gojo:"Damn Makima-chan your are really the craziest girl what i ever saw. She did that without even sense of fear, like she already jujutsu sorcerer. Who are you Makima chan?"

3 pow:

After Gojo thoughts Makima showed her selve. Ijichi was nerves he thought she was hurt. But Makima just said with the smile. Ijichi just coughed nervesly.

Gojo: Wow Makima chan you are really strong for your age, i am impressed, i can say what you are equal 1 grade sorcerer.

Makima: Thank you Gojo-sama, it wasn't been so hard, let's go back to the College i think i started stink. Hehe.

Gojo: Hahaha sure Makima-chan. Ijichi let's go.

After that the car leaved the abounded fabric. But near that fabric was the person who still saw how strong Makima is.

???: Wow Gojo you truly lucky man find someone strong like that girl. I hope i will introduce Myself her soon, hehehe.

After that the person just disappeared.


Hi guys it's me sorry for long my dissapear. I hope you enjoy this chapter. You now know How Makima strong, what do you think will happened with her in future and who was that person which was impressed with Makima power?

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