"Dear Diary" 🔪

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Ha ha more angst cause I just cannot write fluff rn




Dear Diary, 

It's been 6 months since the incident. Things haven't even begun to get better. They've only been becoming worse. So worse, that I can barely even do anything without breaking down and crying. I can't eat. I can't drink. I can't sleep without feeling cold. I can't even listen to music anymore. 

I knew it would be hard. It was obvious. But I never realized just how hard it would be. It seems as if I am the only one still in denial, everyone is already back to how their life used to be. They would walk around, talking and laughing to their friends, while I just look outside from my dorm window, wishing I could see her walking towards the building with the smile she always wore on her face. 

I miss her warmth. I miss her smell. I miss her long, black hair. I miss every part of her. I know she would want me to move on and live my life but I just can't. Every time someone mentions her name, my head lifts up, as if waiting for her to be there. Every time someone mentions something she loved, my eyes begin to tear up. It was painful. It's almost as if I had been stabbed in the chest, just like she had been that cold rainy night. 

And while it's been such a long time, I know I will see her again eventually. Whether that is in another life or the afterlife. I know I will see her again. I am sure of it. I just hope it's soon...

I have to go now...

Kyoka Jirou 

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