I know we will be 🔪🧸

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Jirou had just come out to her parents, but it didn't end like it was meant to. She was now not allowed to return home and lost contact with them forever. She opened the dorm building's front door and entered. She could feel her eyes tearing up, but she needed to get to her dorm first. Jirou walked there, she wanted to make it seem like nothing was wrong. 

Momo was on the common room couch, waiting for her. But Jirou had just walked past her. She knew something had happened. She waited a few minutes until she decided that Jirou had probably gotten to her dorm. She stood up and climbed the stairs as quickly as she could without making anyone suspect anything. She climbed up the last set of stairs and knocked on her door. Momo could already hear the muffled sobs on the other side of the door. She took out the spare key Jirou had given her and unlocked the door. She closed it behind her and ran over to her crying girlfriend. 

Jirou looked up from the pillow she was using to muffle her sobs and tried to smile. This just ended up in more tears flooding her eyes. She just wanted supportive parents, was that too much to ask for? Momo sat behind the girl and wrapped her arms around her waist. The purple-haired girl turned around and nuzzled her head in the crook on Momo's neck. Momo could feel the cold tears on her shoulder but she didn't care. Right now she wanted to comfort her girlfriend. 

A few minutes had passed and Jirou was a bit calmer. Momo started to pet her and whispered in her ear things like 'Just let it out' and 'I'm here for you'. It made Jirou feel much better. The two girls sat like that until Jirou had fully calmed down. 

"Why can't I be considered normal?..." Jirou asked, more to herself than Momo. Momo looked at the girl in her arms. It must have gone quite badly if she was asking herself this. Silence struck the room. The mood had become even more depressing. 

"I don't want to stick out. I want to be able to go out in public and be affectionate with my girlfriend" more tears flooded Jirou's eyes as she said this. Momo sighed and felt herself tearing up aswell. Her parents were quite supportive of her coming out as lesbian and expected that Jirou's parents were going to be too. She now thought that it was her fault for Jirou's feelings. Afterall, she was the one who suggested the idea of Jirou coming out to her parents. 

"Even after the last guy put me through so much..." she whispered and began to shake slightly. Momo wiped her own tears, wanting to seem stronger than she actually was, "and I was so scared to love again... until I met you"

She looked up and looked into Momo's eyes. Their eyes were locked, unable to look away. Jirou took a deep, shaky breath. Momo placed a hand on Jirou's cheek and rubbed it with her thumb. A small smile slowly appeared on the purple-haired girl's face. 

"It's easy to love you... and you make me feel loved and happy" her voice broke and she took in a deep breath. Momo felt herself blush slightly. A small tear began to travel down Jirou's cheek but Momo wiped it off. 

"I mean, there is no one else I want to be with. You're my forever..." she took in a deep breath, "I know you are and I wish I could tell everyone who doubted me and called me worthless that there is one girl... who thinks I'm perfect" Momo removed her hand from Jirou's face and wrapped her arms around her waist. 

"I wish I was normal... I wish everyone could see us as normal. I wish I could be happy with no limit and didn't have to hide..." she trailed off. Momo kissed her cheek. 

"One day" Momo whispered. Their eyes locked again.

"You think we'll be normal one day?" Momo wiped away Jirou's tears as they fell. 

"I know we will be!..."

Momojirou OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin