You are my sunshine 🔪🎧

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Guess who is in isolation *lipbite*




You are my sunshine

Momo and Jirou sat on top of the dorm building's roof, staring up at the sky. The sun was slowly setting behind the tall school building while the two girls talked and joked. They were huddled closely together with wide smiles on their faces. Reds and oranges slowly turned to blues and blacks, gleaming stars beginning to fill the clear sky. It was such a beautiful memory!

My only sunshine

Jirou stood in front of Momo, ready to kick Mineta all the way to America. He needed to stop being such a pervert. The tall, black-haired girl wrapped her arms around the shorter girl's waist, making her relax. While Mineta was really perverted, Momo didn't want any of her classmates to get hurt.

You make me happy

The two girls were on Momo's bed, Jirou laying in her girlfriend's lap. Momo played with her hair while they talked about their fun memories together, whether that was at school or somewhere outside. They loved spending time with each other and talking about things they have done in the past. It was just so calming!

When skies are gray

Jirou curled up near Momo, covering her ears. She hates storms, especially ones with lightning. The black haired girl wrapped her arms around her girlfriend in a comforting manner, whispering kind words to help her calm down. The two girls felt safe in each other's arms as they soon fell asleep.

You don't know how much I love you

Jirou hid her face as she felt her face heat up. She couldn't believe what she had just said. Did she actually say it or is she just blushing for no reason? Jirou looked back at Momo, who was an equal blushing mess. Then the black-haired girl took a deep breath and crashed her lips with Jirou.

Please don't take my sunshine away

Jirou cried as she tightly hugged Momo, blood staining her shirt. This couldn't be happening. Not right now. They were too young. The black-haired girl opened her eyes tiredly and smiled weakly, mouthing the words I love you before taking one final breath.

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