Chapter 31: 21 questions

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"You know, most people would wait until outside welcomed in," Osiris said with a smug grin. He closed the door and walked towards the couch.

She scoffed, "Well, most people aren't you."

He ran his tongue through his cheek cockily, "Fair."

Osiris always looked forward to their stupid banters. Whether it's while she's stepping on his feet in the middle of a ballroom, arguing just for the sake that she could, screaming at the top of her lungs at him for being mad, or just simply being them, he loved it. War was her thrill, she was his.

The last time they had shared a moment like that, it was in the middle of a ball that she knew would soon turn into a disaster. Now, it was the moment she finally began trusting him.

Instead of sitting across from Pandora on the other sofa, he sat on the other end of the one she was on. Osiris had his legs propped up against the coffee table, slightly slumping the rest of his lower body forward. He turned his body slightly to face Pandora. He looked overly comfortable.

He was still wearing the same stupid suit. He really had no creativity to his outfits, but he knew he looked good in them. The pant legs would hug him perfectly, the top being tight but not too tight to where he was suffocating.

"I'll go first," He said, lacing his fingers together, resting his arms on his stomach. "Why do you like fighting so much? I can see the passion for it in you. No matter how heartbroken you end up, you fight anyways. Why is it that battle that fires you up?"

"I'm free when I fight," Pandora said. "My turn."

"No. Not enough detail," Osiris smirked. "Try again."

Pandora prayed internally that he wouldn't expect that much out of her.

"It thrills me. No one can control me when I'm defending mine and everyone else's lives. Not Fluntwhill, not you, not even myself. I just fight," Pandora shrugged. "Better?"

"Better. Could be more detailed but you got it next time," Osiris replied. "Now, it's your turn. I recommend starting easy."

"Why did you kill Erryn," Pandora asked, getting straight to the point. Osiris's eyes bulged. 

"That isn't easy," Osiris jeered.

"Nothing that has to do with you is easy. Why did you kill Erryn?" Pandora repeated sternly. If Pandora wasn't going to have it easy, neither could he. Nothing about anything anymore was easy.

"Are you sure?" He asked, trying to reassure her. Usually, he was snarky, but he knew that this was going to hurt her.

Pandora only wanted answers, no matter how bad. She was ready.

"Yes," she said, adjusting herself on the couch.

"She was spying," he muttered. "Fluntwhill wanted her to spy. He wanted to know if you were planning on turning to the Occidensor side or if you were spying yourself. He also thought something would happen between the two of us. She used you to keep me in order."

"Is that all," Pandora hesitated.

"No," He paused. "You were supposed to be dead by now. That's why I killed Erryn before she could kill you."

"Did Attwell know?" She asked again.

"Nobody that wasn't an Occidensor did. No one in her family knew about her."

He had his reasons to kill. This reason hurt. Of all people, the person she trusted the most? The person she relied on all of the time?

She wasn't even mad Erryn betrayed her, well she was, but she expected it at this point. Pandora was most mad at the fact she betrayed her family. Erryn and Attwell had always been close by what Pandora heard, and she betrayed him the whole time.

Rebirth Of A Phoenix By Shayla R.Where stories live. Discover now