Chapter 26: Stupid

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"Get ready," Joseph loudly whispered, fully dressed when everyone was supposed to be going to sleep.

"What? It's 10?" Pandora replied quietly.

"I told you I was gonna take you somewhere to clear your head. Get ready," He said again.

Pandora gave him a confused look. He had every other chance to take her somewhere and he chose to do it when everyone was sleeping. This didn't feel like a clear your head sort of thing. It felt like some odd trap.

"We couldn't have just gone earlier?" Pandora scoffed, pulling out fresh clothes. She wasn't going to go out in her pajamas.

"No, It's not as fun in the daytime," Joseph said, twiddling with his thumbs, "Just get dressed, you'll see."

Pandora threw on a sweatshirt, jeans, and plain old converse. She preferred being cozy and comfortable. Joseph didn't look impressed. If anything, he looked offended.

"Do you have anything more...flashy?" Joseph asked.

"You think I spend my time getting things that are flashy?" Pandora scoffed. "I came here less than a year ago, my biggest priority isn't buying useless party clothes."

"Close your eyes," he instructed. She widened her eyes to his sudden demand.


"Just close them," he insisted in a very aggressive whisper-yell.

She closed her eyes and felt her clothes contort into something much tighter, scratchier, and smaller. She already knew she would hate it. Whatever was on her body, she was ready to take it off and go right back to her sweatshirt and jeans.

"Open," he said, looking much more pleased with himself.

She was in a tight, silver, short, sparkly dress. It hugged her perfectly, but she was not at all comfortable. The neck of it fell perfectly to where you could see her cleavage, which made her feel extremely exposed. Her shoes had been transformed into matching heels.

He had left her hair which she enjoyed being straight and messy.

"I am not going out like this."

"You look great!"

"I look like a hooker," Pandora complained, trying to take a step in her stupid shoes.

"Just- wear it until we get to the destination at least. If you still don't like it and feel like a hooker, I can just change it back to your original outfit."

"Fine," She gave in.


She had a really bad feeling in the pit of her stomach telling her to turn around, but the boy grabbing her arm in assistance to pull her out of the school told her otherwise.

"Where on earth are we going to that requires us to sneak out from the school at 10 pm," Pandora complained. He had basically forced her out of bed and drug her through the halls.

"You'll see," Joseph replied as he turned his head to look over the corner. Pandora snatched her arm out of his grasp and easily turned the corner. She heard an over-dramatic scoff come from behind her.

"Pandora! What are you doing?!" Joseph whisper-yelled, motioning with his hand for her to come back. He was treating it like they were wanted criminals trying to escape prison.

"I'm walking, like a normal person," Pandora said, turning on her heel and continuing straight out the door. "Are you coming or not? We clearly don't have all night, and I would much rather be laying down right now."

Rebirth Of A Phoenix By Shayla R.Where stories live. Discover now