Chapter 12; How did you escape?

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Pandora entered the Library, Erryn trailing way behind. The second she stepped into the room, every head and pair of eyes were turned to her. She stopped in her tracks, unknowing of what to do. A lot of people had been there, more than she had anticipated for a black bracelet meeting. She could spot Andrée, Professor Cultian, Professor Qualls, Attwell, and Fluntwhill. Many other people she didn't recognize were there as well, all wearing black bracelets.

Not a single pair of eyes weren't directed towards her. Fluntwhill looked furious, relieved, stressed, tired, all wrapped into one expression. Erryn stepped in right behind her, wide-eyed from everyone looking at them. Attwell stepped behind the crowd nervously.

Fluntwhill gave an intense stare, Pandora could've sworn his eyes flashed before he hissed "What did you do?"

With that, questions from everyone erupted in the room. People shouted and Pandora stood silently. They asked her questions she couldn't answer, literally. A pair of firm hands yanked the confused girl out of the middle of the crowd.

"How did you survive him?" One person called.

"How did you apparate out with Andrée?" A boy called out from the back.

"Did he hurt you?" Another voice called out.

"How did you escape him?" Was a majority of what people were asking. Who was him?

Pandora looked up, Professor Cultian was standing behind her staring down at the shouting people. "Calm down!"

They ignored Cultian's demand and continued with their never-ending questions. That was until, a loud boom erupted from Cultian's wand, startling them silent.

The shouts turned into small whispers. People turned to each other, talking in each other's ears. One part of Pandora\ wanted to know desperately what they were saying, the other was terrified of what they thought of her. Everything made her feel uneasy.

Pandora felt as if at any moment she could just run and forget the world for just a small moment. It's what she wanted. She was tired of the judgemental stares, the excessively nosey people, the rumors she couldn't control, the danger she walked through day by day. She was becoming exhausted but could only keep moving forward, but at moments, each second felt increasingly worse than the last.

"Pandora, how did you get back?" Fluntwhill asked. Everyone's heads turned to him then right back to her. Her face was bright pink. She couldn't answer properly. Her memory was wiped, what was she supposed to say in front of everyone?

"Someone did Obliviscatura on me, I think. Most of my memory is gone from the Bellasocier event," Pandora spoke up. Fluntwhill's eyebrows furrowed. "To answer ur more than likely next question, I only remember bits and pieces. Nothing that could help."

A lot of people seemed unhappy with her answers. Scoffs could be heard around the room, and Pandora's already bright pink face intensified into a deep red. It wasn't like she was lying, her memory was gone. Along with Andrée and Erryn's, yet no one seemed to be questioning them. Pandora was being hounded on. At this point, it was to be expected.

"Nothing? Noting useful at all?" Fluntwhill mocked. She shrugged and shook her head no. "I'm most curious about how you apparated entirely on your own with no license, no training, and no experience,"

"I don't know," Pandora said, "Someone must've told me how to. Again, my memory is gone. I can't remember anything."

Pandora could feel herself grow frustrated. This was entirely out of her control and Fluntwhill was being the least understanding of all when he should have been at least a little comforting.

Rebirth Of A Phoenix By Shayla R.Where stories live. Discover now