Chapter 27; I hate you, Osiris Welsch

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"Pandora, what the fuck?" Osiris questioned after a few moments of eye contact. "How are you here?"

He looked at her like she was an injured baby deer. He didn't know how to react.

She never meant to go to his home, nor did she know how she managed to in the first place.

No words fell from each other's lips. Their eyes were telling a whole different story. Pandora wasn't in the right state of mind to try to come up with a reason for standing in Osiris Welsch's living room.

"You're an asshole," Pandora slurred out. It was the only thing she could think of saying. She meant it too. She meant every last thought and word of hatred.

"I know that," Osiris said cockily. He looked her up and down, taking in every detail. "Are you drunk?"

Osiris was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt that hugged his body perfectly and red and black plaid sweatpants. His hair had been messed up from sleeping, sticking up in random places rather than slicked down in its normal state. Osiris looked like this was the first time he had slept in days, his eyes held large, purple eye bags that looked like they would fall off if he stayed awake for another minute.

Pandora was still in the dress that Joseph forced her to wear. Her hair was down and sloppy.

He didn't look horrible for just waking up, but she still wanted to punch him through a wall and make him bleed.

She needed to say the one thing bugging her. The one thing that's been draining her all week.

"You killed her," Pandora said, pointing her wand to Osiris. This was her chance to be rid of him, to make him gone for good. Her state may not be ideal, but this could be her only chance. She's become stronger with all of her training.

"I've killed many hers," Osiris mocked, "You need to be more specific."

Was he serious? Is this some sort of sick joke?

"Erryn," Pandora growled, stumbling a little from her drunken body.

"Redhead with a fiery temper?" He said. Osiris knew exactly who she was talking about. It was as if he was trying to rub it in.

"Yes. Her."

He laughed. He looked her dead in the eyes and laughed. It felt like a kick in the gut. She went to him, she told him, and he laughed, "She was pretty."

"You fucking killed her."

"God Pandora, you know nothing, and it shows," Osiris said cockily.

Nothing? Did he just say she knew nothing? Pandora knew exactly what she saw, and he was just trying to brush it off. You can't put a bandaid on a war wound.

Now she was angry and beginning to grow nauseous. She wanted nothing more than to watch him burn.

Pandora held her stomach. It grew worse by the second. Her chest had that full feeling before you throw up. All the drinks she had were biting her back in the ass. Osiris could tell as well.

"Please don't barf on my floor," Osiris whined. He killed her best friend and was complaining about her barfing on his floor? Bullshit. Everything was bullshit. He was bullshit.

He began trying to walk to her, but Pandora squirmed back, "Don't fucking touch me."


"Confringo!" Pandora attempted to cast whilst holding her stomach. Only a few sparks lit from her wand, pathetically dropping to the ground. Osiris was holding back a smile.

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