Mushroom Forest

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"Wait they actually do that?" The ender dragon snorted, brushing off his jeans.

"Yeah! Didn't think I'd ever need it till today!" The guard responded.

"Ponk!" Another guard called, her hair was a soft pink that was tied into two buns. Her eyes were a light sapphire, around her shoulders was a short black cape with a hood.

"Coming Niki!" Ponk yelled back at the girl, "See ya later Dream!" 

The guard ran off to his companion, quickly turning to the prince to wave at him.

Dream walked towards the main area of Kinoko Kingdom, knowing the king would be outside somewhere. He never stayed inside too long most of the time, knowing that he would lock himself inside for days at a time to write stories.

He soon spotted him. Karl, the ruler of Kinoko Kingdom, was watering some flowers that surrounded a small hut. Brown hair swayed in front of his face, dark purple eyes reflecting the white tulips. The hoodie he wore was a mismatch of colours, the left sleeve was purple on the back and pink on the front, the right sleeve was yellow in the front and cyan on the back. The main part of the hoodie was a dark turquoise with an indigo swirl in the middle.

"Turn back time, oh oh. Gonna hit rewind and find that, all these memories, discoveries, these fantasies. They stay with me." He sung, foot tapping along to the rhythm only the king could hear.

"Hi Karl!" Dream greeted, the brunette looked up and began smiling at the sight of his fiancée's brother.  

"Dream! How are you? It's been so long!" Karl replied, hastily putting down the watering can before running over to the prince.

"Could be doing better, but it's ok. How are you?" The dragon reciprocated.

The king looked at him with a confused expression before inquiring, "Why? What's up?"

"Just, a lot. Sapnap's stupid parents thought it was a good idea to declare war on The Artic Empire and now want Sapnap to fight in it! Like it's your own biological son! He's not a pawn, he's the king on a chess board how do they not understand that?" The prince rambled, beginning to fiddle with the edge of his porcelain mask.

"What? That's ridiculous!" The brunette exclaimed.

"I know!" The blonde agreed.

"You know I have a bunker Dream, like only for emergencies. And I'd class this as one, for me and you both." Karl told the ender dragon, deadly serious.

"So your saying we lock Sapnap in a bunker alone until the wars over?" The masked man queried.

"Not alone, I was thinking maybe me, Sapnap, George, Mars and you?" The king offered, "If civilians wish they can come along to one of the multiple I have."

"Everything sounds good, except for me. I'll fight in the fields. Also how do you have so many bunkers?" Dream responded, curiously.

"Paranoid." Karl dead panned.

[Wilbur's POV]

Wilbur opened the doors to the medical ward, eyes scanning for a certain fox. The doctor was sitting at his desk, a piece of crinkled paper in front of him. The prince closed the doors, trying not to make a single sound. Fundy could hear extremely well, but the brunette had figured out exactly how to sneak by him. 

"RAH!" Wilbur yelled, placing his hands on the red head's shoulders.

The fox hybrid squeaked, pushing off the prince's hands and turning to face a giggling brunette.

"Your highness! I told you not to do that!" The medic reprimanded.

The prince smacked him on the back of the head playfully.

"And I told you not to call me your highness." He scolded, "What stuff you got for me today?"

"Tommy called you Wilby earlier today." Fundy responded.

"What? No your kidding!" The prince gasped. 

"Not at all! Told me, and I quote, 'Bye furry! Going to chat with Wilby see you in a bit!'" The doctor told the brunette.

"Oh my Prime I'm so using that against him." Wilbur announced, hazel eyes glittering with mischief.

"Wil please don't he's only 16." Fundy reasoned.

"You didn't stop Techno when I was ill and called him Techie! This is favouritism!" The prince cried.

"Well that was because it was funny." The fox retorted.

"Wait. Did you say Toms called you a furry?" The brunette asked through failed attempts of stifled chuckles.

"He did. It's the only thing he calls me!" The medic complained, tail swishing behind him as Wil burst into laughter. "It's not funny!"

"It isn't, it isn't I'm sorry." He apologised sarcastically.

Fundy groaned and shoved his face into his hands.

"Awe don't worry! You'll get through this, my little champion!" Wilbur teased, patting his friend's head.

"Stop that your acting like I'm your son." The furry joked.

Wil gasped. Fundy looked back up at him.

"Wil no." He warned.

"You are like my son!" The prince said cheerfully, cupping the medic's face in his hands.

"My little champion!" The brunette cheered, using the voice that you would use for pets and babies, "My son! My fox son!"


im so happy this chapter got out it is in the saga of 5K special i cant do a 5K chapter because haha not enough ideas go brrrrrr

remember to eat and stay hydrated!

word count: 1523

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