"Kakashi!" I called him as I felt my climax close.

"Hold it." He said in a low tone.

I shuddered. I tried to hold it, but the pleasure was to intense.

"Kakashi!" I cried.

"Just a little more."

He thrusted a couple of more times. I then came, and he took his erection out and masturbated on my stomach until cumming. I felt the warm liquid on my stomach. I was tired, but then saw his erection regain life. I looked at Kakashi scared.

"Just one more time." He said as he kissed me, and inserted him length one more time.

"Ahhh..." I moaned loudly as I felt all my body extremely sensitive.


The next day...

He stopped until the fifth time.

"Breakfast came." Kakashi said looking as refreshed as ever.

I glared at him. My waist down hurt! I couldn't even walk.

"You beast! I didn't agreed to five times!" I said to him.

"Didn't you enjoyed it?"

I agaped.

"T-that's not the issue." I said to him.

"Don't worry. I will call a medical ninja-"

I threw him a pillow.

"Don't you dare call someone in." I said seriously to him.

"Why not? You are hurting."

"What am I going to say??? 'Yeah, my body hurt because my boyfriend and me had sex until I couldn't move.'?!?!?" I exclaimed.

He smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked him.

"You said boyfriend."

I sighed.

"Feed me." I said to him.

"Whatever my queen wants." He said and began to feed me.

I healed myself. I never thought I would use my medical ninjutsu for this...

"Should we walk around the town?" Kakashi asked me.

"Sure." I said back.

I put on a Kimono, and he was on casual clothes. We went out, and the town was lively. Almost like Konoha, but I guess nothing is like home.

"Saki. Looked at this. Wouldn't it look great on you?" He said pointing at a bracelet.

I smiled.

"Would it?" I asked back.

He didn't hesitated, and bought it. He gave it to me.

"Kakashi... you don't have to give me everything that you see..." I said with my hands full of gifts.

Kakashi had another thing in his hands already.

"Just this one..."

I sighed.

"Shouldn't you save your money or something?" I said to him.

These things were not cheap.

"I have enough money to buy my lover whatever I want and more." He said with a smirk.

He placed the hair clip on my hair.

"Can't compare to you." He said to me.

We went back to the inn, and I had to pack everything that we, I mean 98% was Kakashi, bought today.

I am Sasuke's twin sister?!?! - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now