"Ahtoh Naseer this your jadwa is an exaggerator" Anti Umna said rolling her eyes

" Ahah ku kyale mun sirika( leave my in-law alone) Koh Muna?" Daddy(Nasser's father) said
Muna chuckled. Daddy and Abba and Naseer went out discussing only God knows leaving only Muna, Anti Umna and Mami in the sitting room. Muna took Irfan from his mother and put him on her laps

"Muna did the driver return the car key?" Asked Naseer coming into the sitting room.

"Oh yes it's over there" Naseer took the key and handed it to Abu

"Yes!!! thanks Yaya Na! I love you"

" Why did you give him your car key?"

"He wants to go out" Naseer replied sitting down beside his wife while Mami and Anti Umna are already gisting

"Abu you just want to do show off to your girlfriends ko?" his Elder sister said

This pregnancy hormones are making her have mood swings

"Haba Ya muns! You know I don't even have a girlfriend"

"No leave him Muna. Isn't it his brother's don't worry"

Abu sticked his tongue at Muna.
"Very matured" she thought rolling her eyes


Mami, Daddy, Anti Umna, Abba and
Abu came to leave. They were hugging each other but Mami noticed the Necklace on Muna's neck. It was the same Necklace that Naseer saw on her neck that she didn't want to remove

"Where did you get this necklace?" Mami asked

" Ummah had always wore the necklace so she passed it to me before she died. They told her that she was brought to the orphanage home with the Necklace"

"No! No it can't be!" Mami said going back to the house

"Mami! Mam!" They called her but she didn't listen and she went back to the house


Hi hi hi hi! +😂😂

I love cliff hanging

Sorry o I was just kidding

Scroll to read more

"Mami what happened?" Naseer asked seating close to her. She looked at Naseer then Muna then around the room. She saw all the perplexed looks they were giving her. She removed the necklace on her neck and it was the same thing as the one on Muna's neck
She opened the locket "Muna your mother is my sister"

"Your sister?"

"Yes "

"After Nafisa and I, My mother gave birth a girl named ummusalmah. I loved ummusalmah way more than I loved Nafisa because Nafisa is too selfish. She gets whatever she likes not caring how but my mother never scolds her. she's always stick to my mother. So after ummusalmah was born, I always beg Mama to put her for me on my back. Then I was 4 years old  so mama would usually tell me that I'm too small. Mama gave me the locket and told me to put it on my neck and don't ever remove it. She put it on ummusalmah's neck and  on Nafisa's neck. When I asked Why, she told me the Necklace is for recogonition. One day, I went out with Ummusalmah to buy something and in the shop, I released her hand and was too occupied looking at the candies in the shop, so when I turned, Ummusalmah was nowhere to be found. I cried and cried and went back to my mother. She made announcements in all Radio stations and Television staions. We went helter skelter looking for ummusalmah but she was nowhere to be found. I feel like it's my fault for everything " They were all in tears that nobody could even talk. What Ummah wanted all through her life was to find her relatives. That why she handed to The necklace  that was her only identity. She handed with the hope of maybe she can find anything about her

"It's not your fault Mami. That was what Allah already wrote would happen and it has to happen. Just thank Him that you now know your sister "

"Come my daughters hug your auntie!" Mami said widening her arms while Muna and Tim Tim jumped on her and hugged her tightly. After then,  Happiness was the only thing that surrounded their lives. All the hardship, suffering and sad moments became pasts and they were finally happy. Mami took Muna and Tim Tim to their grandmother's house in Sokoto and she was more than happy. She told them to stay for some more days and get to know every relative of theirs. After they came back, few months later, Muna gave birth to bouncing Twins
"Maryam and Sadiya"


Till they die woo😂😂


After so many chapters I am done finally. I can't believe am at the end.

All thanks goes to the readers that discouraged me since when I started with not commenting and voting but sha 🤷 I went on with the little or no read I had. @ZainabUsman620 and @kheedy, you motivated me with your votes to update more and here I am!  At the end of the book

Thank y'all for reading and ignoring my childish mistakes, my blabbering and all sort of stupid mistakes. Bearing with the boring chapters at first and bearing with my Naivety on some things especially Court scenes. Sorry and not sorry for cliff hanging.  you know that I love doing that and also heartbreaks which am not quite sure there is. I know there are some things you noticed about the story so I am thinking of  writing facts about the book. Well that's if am not lazy 😂

The next would be epilogue and then maybe, just maybe there would be facts about "What lies within"

I know you will never forget your blabbering and bulky author

I love y'all


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