Chapter 14

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Life moved on. Now we are not living at munifa's house. We are renting a house now. Problems happened at munifa's house. Their mother changed from a kind woman to something else.  And the stupid reason was, her friend brain washed her saying she shouldn't allow us to stay at her house because by mere looking, you will know her husband loves ummah because of what he's doing to her, Ummah wants to make him marry her blah blah blah. You know friends and all this type of things And that woman agreed and jumped on that stupid lie. She told us to look for where to live in 3 weeks before her husband comes back. Luckily for us, we found a moderate house with fifty thousand yearly. Since after that, munifa barely comes to our house because her mother stopped her from coming to our house and I didn't see her father again and I didn't bother to ask. But thank God we are still in contact with her cuz she comes without the knowledge of her mother.  At the maishanu's every thing is going pretty well. And also one thing that will surprise you is,  that arrogant man is now kind to me and funny about that I also Iike it. I noticed that he likes reading but he prefers someone reading it for him. I was shocked when first he called me to come and read for him. I was the only one in the house cuz mami went to her friends house while Ya Tima and Mimi are at school. He once ask us to come and watch TV with him. He called
Mimi and as sturbbon as Mimi is,  she  called me. I was totally not comfortable with him so When he noticed that,  he left us to watch and he went to his room.

Our slay queen and our player boy. Ya Rahana and Ya umar brought me back from my revire

Muna you seriously need to solve this. Said Ya rahana.

I don't even know what is wrong with these two. They are the elder ones but I am the one judging them.  I once mentioned that I want to study law so that's why they come to me I'm now a lawyer without qualification. It's full house cuz everyone is back. The house is more of a market.

What is it? Cat and mouse you've started Ko.

It's not my fault it's his fault....

Ya umar cut her off saying how is it my fault? Am just trying to tell you what's right.

Please stop acting as if you are
older than me with ten years. You are just older than me with a year. Said Ya Rahana.

Am still older than you and am in the right position to tell you whats wright and wrong.... Would you please stop arguing and tell me what's happening? I yelled cutting them off.

Judge muna I will tell you what's wrong. Said Ya

No I will tell you cuz she will not tell you how everything is. Said Ya umar.

I rolled my eyes " ya umar, ya Rahana. Judge your selves since you will not keep quiet. Now tell me. How can I solve if I don't know what's wrong.

Well judge muna. I was telling him about my new boyfriend that I met in Bonny and instead of him to say he's a nice man, he started saying  I've not reached for dating blah blah blah. Can you imagine? As if talking to a 13 year old besides the girl he's dating is younger than Mimi.

Haba Ya umar she's not young fah. She's older than I am  and your girlfriend that you are dating now is younger than I am. I said looking at Ya umar while Ya Rahana kept shaking her head in agreement vehemently and also looking at Ya umar.

So this judge backed her sister ko.  Said Ya umar.

You have problem ya umar the judge just solved the matter but you want to bring it back. Said Ya Rahana. They started arguing. I rolled my eyes. I wanted to talk but was cut by a voice from nowhere.

What shenanigans is going on here? Yelled the voice. It happened to be ya Naseer's voice.

Oh Ya Naseer so you are the one. We were just talking about things  ko ya umar? Said Rahana scratching the back of her head.
He was looking lost not knowing what to say so she hit his leg.

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