Chapter 50

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"Hey you who are You?" She heard a voice so familiar to her approaching to where they were standing. The people trying to kidnap her just pushed her and speed out of the compound

"Shit! They ran " He said panting as he couldn't stop their car. He ran to where his wife was on the ground and  he took her bridal style to their car.

"Who are they? " she asked scared

He held her trembling hands " I don't even know jadwati "

She closed her eyes as she sighed not minding it coming out loudly " I just don't want anything like that to happen again. I want to be happy"

He hugged his wife as if scared she would leave" Listen, I would be there to help You in every situations. I would always help You even if it leads to me losing my life "

She smiled with a worried face. Seeing her smile only reduced the speed rate of his heart
" isn't it better we should go home?" he asked looking at her

"No I don't want them to get worried. Don't worry I'll be fine"

He gave her a disapproval look " Okay we can stay but am not leaving you for a sec"

" Yes no problem"



Hello Ya Muna"

Putting the phone on speaker " Tim Tim how are you?  How's Hajia babba

" We are all fine. Uh... Ya Muna could you please help "

" With?"

"Abu came back from school"


" He came to Abuja to pay you visit but also met Ya Jafar at Train station. He came for a job in Abuja so they came together. Abu called me and said I should please send a driver that they took an uber but unfortunately got problem  and our driver took Hajia babba for Check up so now can you help us send your driver? "

She massaged her temples as she thinks. The driver isn't around while the Other travelled to his village "Okay I'll call the driver "

" No please if the driver isn't available I'll tell them to look for another Uber"

" Don't worry I'll Call the driver"

"Okay thanks"

She dialed Islam's number to ask of their driver but remembered that they traveled with the driver. Why look for driver since she can drive pretty well. She said to herself forgetting Ya Naseer told her she just needs to stay at home since that incident for security purpose.

She just hopped into her car and zoomed out of the house.

"uff! Why are the cars not moving? I hate this traffic delay" she puffed out the words slightly hitting her hand on the steering wheel.

"Hajia please help us" said a man seating in the front seat of her car. Why didn't she even lock her car?

She Narrowed her eyes looking startled "Who are You? What are you doing in my car?"

He cleaned the beads of sweat on his forehead "Please you need to get out of here help us if not they'll kill us all " he said panting

"No please. How am I sure if you are not a kidnapper pls and pls just get out of my car "

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