chapter 33

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"Pois..on.. ed but how?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"It was through his food. If not you had come on time, he would have been no more". Said the doctor

"Can we see him now? "Asked mami

"No you can't see him now because he's under instensive care . For now we'll keep him in ICU but immediately when he wakes up, we are taking him to ward room"

We managed to convince mami to go home and eat and sleep then she'll come back tomorrow.

They all kept crying that made me cry also and we continued praying for him.

They dropped me at home and they went back home

I woke up early cuz I want to go to the hospital. I know they are all there.

I hope he's out of the ICU by now

"Ya muna am coming with you. Let me go and get my hijab"

"No Tim Tim have you forgotten that you have school?"

"No I haven't forgotten about school but you know now that we are done with our scheme, we don't do anything we just sleep, take pictures and the rest. If not for the mathematics teacher that must comes everytime, nobody will go to school." Said Tim Tim rolling her eyes
We are almost writing jamb and Waec so".

"Yes I know but just go even if you wouldn't do anything. Just enjoy your time that's the fun of school"

"Alright but please don't forget to let me know what's happening. Send my regards to mami and please tell her to not bother herself."

Insha Allah
After I reached the hospital, the receptionist directed me to the ward room. She told that he has been transferred to a ward room On my way I bumped into someone
I raised my head up just to see zee zee.

"Hello blind idiot! Next time watch where you are going. I spit the words as I went further".

"Muna! "She called me.

"Yes?" I turned asking her

"Can we just be friends again? I mean let's bury the hatchet"

"Really? You want us to be friends again?" I asked with surprise


Wow.. "in your dreams. In fact not even in your wildest dreams" I said hissing as went further to the room.

I met them in the room while Ya Naseer was sleeping.

I greeted mami and the rest of the people in the room and asked for ya Naseer's health. She answered and told me he's fine he's just sleeping.

"Can I please get water? "Asked Ya Naseer with the little energy in him.

"Oh you are awake. Okay take". Said mami pouring water in a glass cup. Ya tima who was close helped him sit down on the bed and she gave him the water.

"How's your health?" I asked

He nodded his head

"Muna how did poison get into his food?" Asked mami sounding serious.

"Wallahi mami I don't know. I have no idea how..."

"Then how did it reach the food?" She asked angrily.

"Wait how is it now my fault mami? I was done with everything and I arranged the table."

"Are you kidding me? Everyone knows you are the one because you are the only one that has access to his food" Said zee zee.

"Would just shut up! How do you think I can poison him?"

"Its obvious . Because he said he won't marry you so you decided to poison him" Said zee zee.

"Don't try me! Zee zee". I said as I slapped her

"Muna it's enough!" Yelled mami which this is the first time she's yelling at me.

"I am disappointed in you muna. Like disappointed! How can you poison ya Naseer?" Yelled mimi while I just looked at her with shock.

"You all believe I can poison him? You all believe that?" I asked crying

Khady who was quite all through shouted " why won't we believe her! Why??

"You see everyone knows that you are the...

"Enough! It's Enough!" Yelled ya tima cutting zee zee off ." You all think muna would poison him? Including you Mimi? Including you mami? You all let this stupid girl mislead you! Why and how??"
"And you if you say it again that muna was the one that poisoned ya Naseer, Wallahi billahil azeem I would make sure to remove your teeth". Yelled ya tima point a finger at zee zee.

"Tima! It's enough. How would you back the person that poisoned your brother?" Said mami.

"Mami muna didn't poison ya Naseer. I know it "

"Mami just let tima be she won't understand just call the police for muna" Said khady

"Don't try me khady don't!! "Said Ya tima

"Muna I Hate you! "Said Ya Naseer which I just had to look at him.

"Ya Naseer don't believe this this is just a stupid lie. We all the two people who can poison you. She then turned to mami, Mami I've never went against you in anything but I now will.
Muna let's go. She said as she grabbed my hand and we stormed out angrily. We hopped into her car and drove to my house. After we reached home I ambulated to the loo.
I looked at myself in the mirror

Love brought me nothing but sorrow and grief

Love brought me nothing but anger and frustration

Love brought me nothing but pain and suffering

I cleaned off tears on my cheek.

Love is not going to deceive me anymore

Love will not make me cry anymore

I will not cry again because love!!!!


I yelled as I stormed out

I need to take the next step. I said to myself

I took my phone scrolled through the contact lists, I went to a contact I never thought I would go back to. I pressed the call button

It rang and he picked

Hello Jafar. I need to see ASAP.


He he he!!! 🙊🙊🙊🙊

So what are y'all thinking??

Well tell me what you are thinking in the comments section

Don't worry this is not the last time she'll be with the maishanus there are lots more

Bye 👋 👋 👋

Teema loves you 💙💙

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