chapter 11

782 130 1

Issan update 💃💃💃

Muna! You know it's today that you will start going to work ko?

Muni I know but I have to bath and eat food Abhi ?
We are now leaving at munifa's house and everything is going fine. Don't be surprised how Ummah agreed to let us come here. It took us decade before she finally agreed after munifa's mother begged her that was when she agreed and also the house we wanted to get from Ummah's friend wasn't available unfortunately for us her relatives came and they are staying at her house. She was saying sorry for not being able to help us and she suggested maybe we should go to the house even though her relatives are there,  but Ummah disagreed and that was how she allowed us to live with munifa and her family. Ummah and Tim Tim's henna business is improving every day also Tim Tim is now on holiday and after they resume, she's going to be in SS3 so you see school fees is not our problem for now. But the problem is, Waec and jamb are coming soon. Dont be surprised how Tim Tim is going to be in ss3  at 15 years old. That girl is weird.  She entered jss1 after primary 4 when she was 10 years old. Muni brought me back from my revire

Muna take this is yours baba said I should give you this for transport fare.

I collected the money. Dan Allah tell him am so grateful that he doesn't have to do this. I said smiling. Saura kuma ki manta you and forgetting things like one old woman. I said looking at her. She mumbled a wharever and exited the room.

Her father baba is a very nice man.  He helped us when we needed help. And what ever he buys for his children, he buys it for us. Her mother is also a nice person she loves us all and treat us as her children. We wanted to get a house but her mom insisted that we should stay here. I entered the bathroom and took a shower. I came out of the bathroom and dressed up

Ya muna we are going now. Said Tim Tim coming into the room. Ummah said I should give you this for transport fare and she said Allah ya bada saa

Tell her no need for the transport fare because baba has given me. And tell her I am saying thank you.

She nodded her head and exited the room.

Oya oya muna let's go you this people don't like late coming

I slipped into my hijab.
Take this you can eat when you are hungry. Said munifa and handed me a nylon with egg sandwich.

Thank you so much ta Alhaji dankwanbo. I said collecting the sandwich smirking.

She huffed "I will slaughter you and.......sell to idi me nama. I said completing the sentence for her cutting her off.

She smacked my head with her hand and ran out immediately laughing mischievously. I laughed and followed her outside.  We headed to the house. It's been 2 weeks after we left our fathers house.   2 days after leaving the house, munifa escorted me to where she got the job for me and the gate man told us that they traveled to Germany . You know this rich people and traveling So 3 days ago the woman called munifa's mother and told her that I should start coming  today. 

Ermm.... Muna.... I... Wanted to tell you something. Said muni scratching the back of her head using her hijab.

I looked at her suspiciously.  What is it?

Ermm.... Am getting married.

What! Rantse da girman Allah! Alhamdullilah!  I yelled out of Joy.

Easy muna we are on the road.  Said muni closing my mouth with her hand. That was when I realised that we were on the road. I looked around just to see looking at me as if am mad

The date has not been fixed yet but baba talked with his father so you see the date will soon be fixed. Said muni shrugging. I stopped a keke napep man and munifa directed the place. We entered and continued gisting

What Lies Within(Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora