chapter 25

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Answer me!  Mahmud! Why will muna forgive you and give you a chance?  

Mahmud? I asked looking puzzled

Jafar was stunned like a statue. My phone rang. It's Ummah that is calling me I know she might be worried because she knows I don't stay by this time without coming back home.

Alright am leaving now. Your husband is here to explain everything to you. I said heading out of the house.

I went out of the house and luckily for me, I found a napep man actually he dropped one woman so I entered and he gave me a ride. I payed him and I was about to enter then I noticed that the house is locked. That surprised me because I didn't expect to see the house locked. I was about to call ummah then ya Naseer's call came in. I picked it and without waiting, he started saying,  muna come to the hospital near your house. Come Asap please.

What... Hospi....pi.. Tal? What's wrong? What are you doing in hospital? Who's sick?

It's Ummah.

I cut the call not waiting for anything. I walked fast to the hospital almost flying. I reached the hospital 7 minutes after the call. Thankfully that the hospital is not far and because of how I was walking fast. I entered the hospital compound in a hurry and in the reception,  I asked them where she is. They showed me the place. Immediately when I reached there,  I saw Tim Tim crying while Ya Naseer trying to suite her down.

Where is Ummah? I asked with tears in my eyes.

Muna you are here. Ummah is in the emergency. Said Ya Naseer.

Ya muna I can't believe Ummah is in the emergency. I can't believe. Said Tim Tim crying and hugging me. I hugged her back and we cried together.

I just left her in the morning and she was doing pretty well. I said sobbing more hard. What happened to her Tim Tim?
I asked wiping off the tears on my face.

Ya muna I don't really know. She started having shortness of breath and like she wanted to vomit, the next minute sweating while her eyes turned red. I was asking what's wrong and she kept saying, "Lailaha illalahu muhammadan rasullilahi sallalahu alaihi wa salam" then she just fainted! Said Tim Tim crying more.

What type of weird sickness is that? Or  is it then pandemic "corona virus?"

No I don't think it is because this is not the symptoms of corona virus. The only thing that we can link with corona virus is the shortness of breath. Said Ya Naseer.

Suddenly the doctor came out. We all went to the doctor asking him how's Ummah's health. He kept quiet for a moment then he said,  we've never seen any type of sickness or case like her own. You are supposed to take her outside the country because this is more than what we can do And what I'll say now is I'm sorry  we couldn't save her. Said the doctor which I felt my sight blurry and I was feeling dizzy while I can hear Tim Tim crying faintly. I just fell down but I was caught by someone maybe Tim Tim maybe ya Naseer but I think it's not Tim Tim because I can hear her voice crying far from where I am. I don't even know if I fainted or not. The person raised me up I felt seating down in a chair. I opened my eyes just to see Ya Naseer kneeling in front of me.

Ummah is gone! I will never see Ummah again! Why Ummah! Why! Why did you leave me!. I yelled sobbing more hard into my palms.

It's okay muna just pray for her. I hate seeing you in this condition. Said Ya Naseer with tears not actually crying so hard but he's really trying to swallow his tears.

He stood up and went to Tim Tim.  I don't know what he said to her that calmed her down. She came and sat close to me. 

We started crying together while Ya Naseer was saying, he told us to seat close so we can calm ourselves but looks like its making it worse... You can come and see her. Said a nurse heading to the room where Ummah was.

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