"What's happening? Where did you get another baby Jamila?

Fatima told him how and where she took the baby from. She said she'll go and bath the baby and make him warm. As she uncovered him, she noticed that she's a girl not a boy

"Should we keep her? I think she's not older than sadiya" she asked her husband after bathing her

He sighed "Should we?"

"Yes. please!!"

He stared at the baby that is now sleeping "Please! Just imagine it's sadiya that's in this situation. Would you let her suffer?"

He sighed " Okay we would keep her"

"Thank you so much masoyi and since Sadiya was named after your mother, then this would be my mother "Nafisa"

He smiled pecking his wife on her fore head " You are welcome Maman twins"

End of flashback

And that was how we took care of You Nafisa together with Sadiya and we told you that you are twins.

"No wonder you let me do whatever I like not bothering to teach me morals. I couldn't marry whom I loved because I lacked morals unlike the way you taught Sadiya.

"What is wrong with You Nafisa? I treated you more than how I treated my own child. I loved you more than how I loved Sadiya and I gave you whatever you want but I didn't train you to be disrespectful and even kill a soul"

"Is that love? Do you think that is love?"

"It's okay that should be something you should talk about within yourselves. Barrister Jafar do you have any question?

"No your lordship"

"Muhhamad Sagir and Nafisa you are both Muslims right?" The judge asked

"And you believe in the Quran. You agreed that you should be punished according to how the Quran mentioned about who killed a soul?"



After their punishment, they took them out of the Court and they went for a break before Hauwau's case. The Air in the court wasn't sufficient enough for her to breath. She couldn't sink in the information she just heard.  Where was she when this woman killed her mother? All she can remember is that day ummah didn't go back to sleep after subhi but Muna didn't know when she slept just to wake up and see her mother dead after she was perfectly okay. Now everything makes sense to her. Everything!
"Jadwati" he called holding her hands

"I know how you feel and I can understand. But it's okay crying wont bring back Ummah back all she needs is your prayer. The messenger of Allah  peace be upon him said:
No fatigue nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress, befalls a Muslim, even if it were a prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that

Sahih Al-Bukhari

" I don't even know what I feel! I can't describe"

"It's okay stop crying you would have fever"

She smiled at him while he hugged her.

"Sallamu alaikum" Khadija came to where the couple were.

"Waalikumu salam" They answered not even looking at her since they are both angry at her

"I came here to apologize. I know I wronged you all in so many ways especially You Muna. I am sorry for all what I did to you two. I can't even look at you in the eye knowing how I wronged you but please forgive me.  I am already receiving the punishment of what I did since here and am sorry with what my mother did. We are sorry! She knelt down begging them in tears. Albeit the fact that they were angry with her, they both pitied her. Muna looked at her husband asking for permission and he nodded. She used both her hands to pull her into a hug.

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