Chapter 25 - Sick of Goodbyes

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"Riddle! Riddle! Quickly you have to do something!" Gabe yelled as he rushed towards the breakfast table. The knights were all there, Aleks had his head rested on the table, he was hung over.

"Quiet down Lestrange you're acting like an animal what is the matter?" Tom questioned.

"It's Briar!" Aleks' head perked up at the mention of her name.

"Why should I be concerned about her?" Tom asked quite rudely.

"She got caught with Avery's flask last night by Slughorn! She's being expelled apparently," Gabe said still puffing and trying to catch his breath.

"Oh no no no," Aleks muttered.

"Why did she have your flask Avery?" Tom questioned.

"She must have taken it off me last night when she came to check on me! I don't know! This is all my fault," he groaned into his hands. "Fuck!" he yelled loudly and kicked the side of the table.

"What idiot gets caught with a hip flask? They're designed to be discrete," Abraxas said.

"She was caught with alcohol on school grounds Lestrange, I don't know what you want me to do about it," Tom said as he flicked his news paper.

"I have to confess," Aleks said.

"No you don't!" Genevieve said. "Look, the little redhead has grown on me but she doesn't have a family or a reputation to uphold. You do Aleks, so stay quiet."

"So what? We let her take the fall and get expelled?" Casper asked outraged. "We were the ones who told her to follow Avery."

The group chatter was loud, it was clear they were all panicked. "Shut up you insufferable idiots," Tom demanded. "Everyone leave, I'll handle this."

"But we haven't finished breakfast," Genevieve said.

"I said leave Black!" he raised his voice. They stood up from their table and began to walk away. "Not you Rosier," Tom said gripping the boys wrist.

Casper sat back down. "If you let her get expelled my lord you'll never see her again."

"How am I meant to fix this though?"

"I don't know," Casper said in a defeated tone.


Briar sat in Dippet's office opposite him. Professor Dumbledore and Professor Slughorn were standing behind him. "You're not even going to try to explain yourself Miss Emeralds?" Dippet asked.

Briar said nothing, she had said nothing since she was caught last night. "I apologise," was all she managed to get out.

"You were caught with alcohol on school premises Briar, and if you're not going to even speak we have no choice here. We care about you, please talk to us," Dumbledore said.

"Do not act like you care about me Dumbledore," Briar said.

"Perhaps there's another explanation, she's been hanging out with an interesting crowd lately Armando," Dumbledore said to the headmaster.

"Do not bring them and your prejudice into this Dumbledore!" Briar said angrily.

"Well Miss Emeralds, if you have nothing to say for yourself then I have no choice but to expel you from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, effective immediately." Dippet said swiftly as he evened out the papers on his desk. "A carriage will be sent for you in an hour."

Briar stood up from the seat and pushed it back in harshly. "I guess you finally got what you wanted then Briar, to leave the school," Dumbledore said to her as she was about to exit the office.

"I guess I did."


Briar waved her wand and swiftly, all her belongings packed away neatly into her trunk. She didn't arrive with much when she came to Hogwarts, and she wasn't leaving with much either.

A few months ago, all she wanted was to be rid of this place. But now, she had found a group of people she didn't actually hate. She thought maybe they didn't hate her either. If she was being honest with herself, she was upset to have to leave it all. The small hope that her life didn't have to be lonely anymore, was ripped away every so quickly. In the blink of an eye, she was lonely once more.

She didn't know where she'd go. The orphanage wouldn't want her back, but she was still 17, which means she'd be put in another home, she didn't want that. She could hide? Travel to America? Find Cordelia? She had the money. But if Cordelia was really starting a life of her own over there she didn't want to impose or bother her.

Briar looked at the common room, it was empty. Everyone was back in classes. She'd miss this place, she had grown so accustomed to the lavish scents and ambience of it. She thought of stopping by the classes and saying goodbyes. But she was so sick of goodbyes. So she left silently and went out to the grounds of the castle, ready to be swept away to some place else once again, but this time she'd be leaving her secret behind. Briar just hoped Tom would have the decency to keep it.

As she was walking, strong arms wrapped around her body and pulled her behind the building. She tried to scream but her mouth was covered tightly. "Shh, shh, shh Emeralds for fucks sake. We're trying to save you," Lestrange whispered. He released her and raised his finger to his lips signalling her to be quiet.

Aleks and Abraxas were there too hiding with them. Briar jumped and hugged them all. "Alright, alright we get it Briar, you're grateful. Stay still," Abraxas whispered. They peered around the corner and saw Tom making his way down to the carriage where Dippet and Dumbledore were waiting.

"Ah hello Mr Riddle! Shouldn't you be in class my boy?" Dippet asked. Dumbledore inspected the boy with a raised eyebrow.

"Hmm yes perhaps, but you see, I had a question and it could not wait to be answered," Tom spoke.

"Well, what is it then?" Dumbledore asked.

"Obliviate," Tom said pointing his wand at the two teachers. A light flash of pale blue came out of his wand, both professors stood there absent minded for a moment.

"Beautiful day isn't it Albus? Oh Tom my boy what was it you were asking again?" Dippet asked.

"I was just wondering if Miss Nott would be returning anytime soon? With all the changes going in this term I think it may be smart if we selected another Gryffindor prefect to fill her spot, temporarily, of course," Tom said leading them back into the castle and away from the group.

"It's done!" Aleks shouted.

"He just used a memory charm on a teacher!" Briar exclaimed in shock.

"Two teachers actually," Lestrange added.

"I could kiss you all! Thank you!" Briar said as she hugged them again.

"Easy there Emeralds," Abraxas said moving his hand to settle her down.

"Where's Casper?" she asked.

"He's taking care of Slughorn's memory," Gabriel said. "With Rosier and Riddle's skills, they won't remember a thing."

"I can't believe you were going to dip without saying goodbye," Aleks said as the group walked back into the castle. "Let's go, we need to get to class."

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