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Flynn's POV

The palace was exactly how I had imagined it would be. It was all red carpet, white walls adorned with gold, and ornate brocade furniture. I couldn't decide if it was pretty or the ugliest thing I had ever seen in my life. Lightning and I walked quickly from room to room (idk how many we passed the hall looked the same tbh) until we reached a staircase. Two sets of stairs stretched up from either side of the room, connecting in the middle. Lightning and I were about to go up the stairs when a voice rang out.

"Who goes there?" The voice was British and sounded aged. My thoughts were confirmed when an ancient woman stepped down the stairs in a pink outfit. I assumed it was the queen but like how was I supposed to know what foreign royalty looked like?

I wanted to get back to the job so that Lightning and I could have a nice date, so I got out my gun and pointed it at the queen.

"No!!" the queen bellowed in British. "You can't kill me!"

"Why?" I asked, taking aim.

"Because," she started, peeling her face skin off. It looked like there was another face under her face. Was she wearing a mask? "I'm Harry Styles."

The queen mask fall to the floor with a sickening slap. I was shocked. Standing in front of me was Harry Styles wearing a bright pink old lady outfit. I lowered my gun. "I could never kill Harry Styles!" I mean, other than me (and Lightning), he was the hottest guy in the world. He just had a cool accent.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to do it!" A voice boomed from behind us. It was Agent Grant—my boss! "I came all the way down here to make sure you killed Harry but you couldn't do it! I guess that I will have to kill him instead!"

"And who are you exactly?" Harry asked.

Agent Grant started to pull at his face, much like Harry had done about 30 seconds ago. Under his Agent Grant mask was the face of none other than—

"VAMPIRE ED SHEERAN???!!" We all exclaimed at the same time.

"Geheirieieiririrjdjrjsjsjsjdjdjeuwiwiwi," he replied. I assumed it was some sort of demon language.

Harry's eyes glowed red with anger

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Harry's eyes glowed red with anger. "DONT FRICKIN' KILL ME!! PIP PIP CHEERIO!!"

"Geez, who pipped in your Cheerios?" Lightning asked from beside me.

I turned to him. "Isn't it who pissed in your Cheerios?"

"Yeah but it's funnier to make fun of British people." I couldn't argue with that logic.

"Heh. Le mayo."


"Le mayo"

"Yes, I heard you but what?!!"

"Le mayo. Like LMAO but I don't spell it out. It's like saying lol instead of L-O-L"

Lightning just shrugged. That's when a gunshot rang out.

A/N please zoom in on the photo. I was up til 2 am making it (it even made my brother laugh)

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