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Eve's POV

I walk down my stairs and to my surprise, my mom is at the dining table. When she sees me, a smile tugs at her lips.

the fuck?

"Eve." She whispers.

"What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in days." My voice comes out flat.

"Oh, work is just busy. How are you holding up?" She says, referring the what I told the family a few days ago.

"I'm fine. It's not like any of it happened recently." I shrug.

"Come here." She motions her hands to the dining chair.

I sit in the chair and look at her, no expression going onto my face.

"What Harold did to you was horrible-" I cut her off.

"Who's Harold?" I say, confused.

"Your uncle, how did you forget it?" She furrows her eyebrows.

Harold isn't exactly a name to remember.

I whisper a "Oh" and she continues.

"What he did was horrible, and I want you to know it wasn't your fault." She pauses. "But. If you think about it, God wanted that to happen to you for a reason. God is gracious and gives his hardest battles to his strongest creations." She smiles and acts as if she said the most inspiring sentence ever.

"Where did he even go? Our uncle." I say. She looks at me and her smile falters.

"Uh, after you told us what happened...He took his things and left." She frowns. "Your father wants to protect his brother, and to be honest, I get it." She looks outside of the window.

"Mom, I didn't tell you what happened just for pity. I wanted you to know why I could never see him again. To be frankly with you, I don't care what happens to him. As long as no other little girl goes through what I went through, I'm fine. I don't wanna see him ever again." I get up from the chair.

"That's fine, honey."

"It's just hard for me to see my own father chose his brother over his daughter. Even when I'm the victim in this situation." I say, turning away from her.

This isn't how I thought I would spend my Christmas Eve.

I got a text from Landon today. He said he wanted to hang out with someone but Sakura was busy. I asked him how he didn't have plans on Christmas Eve and he said his parents were working all day.

Aren't you supposed to have the day off today?

None the less, I agreed and he's supposed to pick me up in an hour or two.

"I'm sorry this is how your Christmas Eve played out." My mom says in a sorry voice.

"Whatever." I say, walking back up the stairs.

I lay on my bed and huff. 

I don't think it hit me yet that my family knows what happened to me.

My mind keeps telling me it was all a dream and none of it even ever happened. I think the worst part of my life was when my uncle had left after the six months he spent in our home. When he was at our front door, saying his goodbyes, he winked at me and said "Until next time".

Every night after he left, I would be scared he would come out from under my bed and do what he "needed" to do to me. I didn't tell my parents when I was younger, because at that time I still had thought that everyone had a different way to show their love. 

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