"Just wait for me there then. See you in a bit." He says, promptly hanging up before I can respond. I'm too tired to try to think of why he'd ask me to wait in the gym of all places.

Now that I'm coming off of my adrenaline high, I remember what today is. I feel my phone buzz in my hand. Oh goody.

"Hey guys!" I greet cheerily. My parents smile at me through my phone screen, the call making their pictures blurry.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CORA!" They yell in sync. My smile turns genuine. They remembered.

"Thanks!" I respond for lack of other responses.

"Oh honey, is that your school uniform? Why do you look like you just got tossed through a dryer?" My mom asks. I almost flinch.

"It was a rough start to the morning. I'll fix my tie and stuff in the car." I explain. My mom furrows her brows.

"What happened, sweetheart?" My dad asks.

"Oh, I just overslept and I guess Mr. Wayne is in a meeting and Alfred already took Damian. So I'm just waiting for Jason to get here and drive me." I explain sheepishly.

"Why didn't anyone wake you up? Isn't that the point of a butler?" My mom asks. I frown.

"Well, Alfred is a busy person. If I already slept through my alarm then who's to say he didn't try?" I counter.

"Why are they even making you go to school on your birthday?" My dad throws in.

"They probably don't know. I didn't tell them." I say with a shrug. I hear them gasp.

"Cora! How could you not tell them?" My mom says, obviously horrified.

"I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. Usually I just stay up late watching Nicholas Sparks movies as my birthday celebration. Charlotte joins me though." I elaborate. It's not like they were there for my latest few birthdays. I improvised.

"Honey, I may not like it, but you live in a mansion! I'm pretty sure they can pamper you." My mom returns.

"I don't need pampering. I just want to hear my boyfriend tell me he loves me and maybe have some pasta for dinner." I say in a straight tone. My dad sighs.

"As long as you're happy dear. We'll let you get fixed up for school. Although you could ditch." My mom offers. I roll my eyes.

"I'm not ditching." I state. She let's off a laugh and we say our goodbyes.

I let out a stressed breath, leaning my head back onto the wall. I hear the gym door close and my head whips towards it at a breakneck speed.

"Uhhhhhhh, what's up?" I ask, noting the extra bodies.

"Beloved, did you seriously believe you could hide your birthday from a family of detectives?" Damian asks. I blink stupidly at him and the other. Almost the whole Batfam is here.

"I wasn't trying to hide it." I contradict weakly.

"I have your birth certificate. Your birthday was on the calendar before summer vacation started. November 4th is now on all of my digital calendars as well. " Bruce states. When did I start calling him Bruce?

"Oh. Um alright. Wait, if you're all here, then why did none of you wake me up for school?" I question.

"I hacked your phone's alarm on my way over from Blüdhaven. You were meant to sleep in." Dick says.

"So, I'm supposed to miss school?" I ask. Did I not have to wear this skirt? That was an option today?

"Yes. We tried to surprise you with breakfast in bed but... You weren't in bed." Jason states, gesturing to the tray in his hands.

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