✓arrival (task 1.2)

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You have now arrived at the palace. The maids were running around, making sure to get the perfect color of make-up that fits every selected. You can see many other selected sitting in front of a mirror with their faces being pampered and their hairs styled.

"My lady! This way please," a maid ushered you to a seat.

Three maids started attending to you. Putting your make-up with precision. Suddenly a woman of about 30 pulled a chair next to you, holding a pen and paper. Along with her a man holding a camera stood behind.

"Hi, I'm Daisy Fawner. I'm the assigned reporter for the whole Selection process. May I interview you?"

Task 1.2:
Have an interview! Put your character's name in the comments and tag me (@_maefair) to begin yours!

*If you haven't fone task 1 yet, go do it first

The Heir • A Selection Roleplay (15/15)Where stories live. Discover now