first eliminations

54 6 3

When you were called for breakfast, a notice was posted on the giant doors.

Due to various reasons, the following will be sent home:

Lady Alana Creed
Lady Katherine Redd
Lady Neirin Norman
Lady Evianna Clyborne
Lady Myra Grant
Lady Tessa Jest
Lady Yanaiza Gonzales
Lady Naomi Black

Thank you for participating. If there are any questions as to why you are eliminated, please approach me.


In truth, Cecilia had warned him not to eliminate them this way and instead talk to them one-on-one, but Wisteria urged him to do this—and so he did.


Hi! The ball is now closed BUT the conversations may still be continued. I'm sorry I couldn't reply the past few days, and I can't even now (i feel a little mentally exhausted) so I decided to just release the elimination chapter for today. I'll get back to replying hopefully by tomorrow. Thank you for understanding!

As for the ones eliminated, do dm me if you still want to be part of this rp since there are roles I need to be filled.

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