7. No Me In We

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Fan Art: kinda fitting to this chapter ehhhhg 😏😏

A/N: Here's this chapter only 3 more to go , the story will finally progress from here please don't yell at me .


Adriens POV:

"Fencing classes have been canceled, your instructor is sick" Natalie lets me know before i head to school , i decided to walk today , walk with marinette.
make sure she's not late this time .

as i'm walking i can't help but increase in heart rate as i approach the Dupain Cheng bakery , everything feels like it's setting into place . I feel at home even when i'm not in the cold mansion labeled as home .

it's chilly and overcast today in Paris , the breeze makes this the perfect weather , i love this feeling .

"hey adrien , anything we can get you?" Sabine greets me as i walk in , "oh no thanks i'm actually waiting for-" i get cut off as marinette arrives down stairs "Adrien!" she smiles walking down .

My face instantly lights up when i see her , she looks unreal .

This reminds me , we haven't talked about us , maybe that means she doesn't want to talk about us . That's the last thing i want to happen .

iv been in love with ladybug for years , which is her but it's also not her . Truth is she's always been on my mind , i guess finding out she's ladybug brought it out .

i hope she doesn't think i don't like her anymore , iv always loved her , i think i still do , i don't have the mental capacity to start dealing with this now .

"adrien ? you and marinette are walking to school together?" Sabine asks . "oh yeah we are" i smile politely as i see Tom approaching the counter at the corner of my eye .

"Marinette , you're up early , hello adrien , what brings you by?" Tom asks as sabine slightly shoves him behind her and whispers something in his ear , weird .

"oh well thank you adrien for getting marinette up in time we really-" he starts when i see mari blush red "d-dad!" she looks embarrassed, it's oddly cute , i wish my mom was here for familiar banter.

"oh sorry yes honey , have a great day at school" he says as they both greet us goodbye , being part of a real family sounds nice , iv never had a family hug before.


"sorry about my parents" mari chuckles as we continue our walk to school , "don't be , they seem  really great" i grab her hand subconsciously, i guess it's a reflex now.

and there she is again , blushing red , but she doesn't move her hand .

"so umm we have a chemistry project today" she tries to make conversation, stuttering through her words , i wonder how to make her feel more comfortable around me.

"yeah i actually have time after school today so if you want to be my partner for it-" i get cut off by familiar voices approaching us as we arrive on school grounds .

"hey guys" Nino and alya approach us , strangely staring , "hey" marinette realizes soon they're looking at our interlocked hands we were walking with .

"did you two walk here ? together?" i can tell alyas one more reveal away from bursting her head open .

"oh mhm" marinette looks away as alya grabs her arm and takes her to the side to talk , leaving me and nino to chat.

"dude you and marinette? like actually!? what happened ?!" he starts getting all over me like alya does with marinette .

"something changed and i don't even know if she likes me just chill out for a moment" i get a what i can tell by the look on ninos face , an embarrassing look.

"i thought she was just a friend , and you seriously don't think she likes you!?" he starts questioning me. "Nino just because i'm Adrien agreste doesn't mean every girl wants me" i let him down but the wild look on his face doesn't fade .

"Listen humble hurd , you're my best friend and all , and i mean this in the nicest way possible but please for fucks sake get your head out of your ass!" he yells , i. never been more confused in my life to say the least.

"no , alya i'm not- hey!!!" marinette whispers to alya and she shoves her back to our group , "hey" i chuckle , staring into more then recognizable blue orbs , how haven't i noticed before.

"so you two have been pretty close lately" alya steps in. Im getting us out of this .

"yup , oh that's the bell , see you guys in chemistry!" i grab maris hand and run the other way to the library, no the bell didn't ring but it sure got us out of exposing our identities .

"thanks for taking me with you" she looks up at me from the bookshelf we're at . "you know what they say , there's no me in we, and we have to do whatever it takes to protect each other " i smile naturally by seeing her glowing features .

"well i'm glad some of ladybugs wisdom rubbed off on you" she smirks , what a nerd .
"yeah yeah your nerdy wisdom got on me" i roll my eyes to then she glared at me.

"it's not nerdy it's important!" she complains, i know i'll lose this battle but i love watching her argue relentlessly until she's proved herself right .

"whatever you say nerd" i roll my eyes again with an unintentional smile splattered across my face like an idiot , moments like this make me feel like nothing changed , everything was already like this .

"oh that reminds me !" my laughter dies down , "i brought the guardians book so we could do a little digging on what bunnix needed to tell me" she pulls it out , wow i forgot for a moment that she's ladybug .

"why don't you relax a little , we have plenty of time to figure it out while working on our chemistry project after school ." i take the book and drop it back into her bag .

"okay fine but i just think that-" i put my finger on her lips to shush her hard working mind down , she deserves a break .

"no me in we , and if me is relaxing then we are relaxing together" i smile as she tries to hide her smile from behind my finger . i can tell it's taking all her willpower to not make fun of me.

"god you are so chat noir" she giggles after i take my finger back .

"told you it's just me m'lady" i breathe as the bell rings for real this time , time for the overwhelming requirement of being a high school student .

"yeah , see you in chemistry" she smiles before heading off to class , i stand there paralyzed for a moment by her smile , i don't know what i'm going to do with myself anymore .


A/N: YEEHAW this was kinda wack ? this whole book is kinda wack don't rlly like but it's fine i have better , brighter ideas for the future , next chapter coming soon <333

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