Lesson 35 - Werewolf of the West

Start from the beginning

"Maybe growing closer to Evileye will help- she is a vampire after all.. though, Shalltear could definitely win against her." (Y/n) snickers with pride.

She exits the room and walks down the tavern's stairs before seeing the group talking at a table. "Ah! (Y/n)! How was your nap?" Gagaran smiles, waving at her.

'Good- even though it was a simple excuse to write this letter.'

"It was great!" She grinned back, skipping over to the table. "Can I go out and explore.. I never got the chance when.. y'know..." She gave a sad smile, hoping it would earn her some pity points.

"Sure you can!" Gagaran pats her on the back. "Tia, Tina, why don't you join her."

'Great.. I'm going to have to lose them somehow.' (Y/n) thinks to herself.

The two simply nod and stand, going along with (Y/n) as she waved goodbye and walked out.

"Do you two know any good places to see?" (Y/n) turns to them, getting a reply from Tina. "The plaza is famous, I'm sure there would be something to see there." Tia nods in agreement.

"Though, it can get a bit crowded, so stay close." Tia adds. "Kay!" (Y/n) gives a closed eyed smile, all for the wrong reasons.


"Whooaaa!" She giggles in excitement. Crowded was an understatement, it was packed. There were stores and stalls both lining the street, kids running around and elders talking on shop porches.

This sight almost made (Y/n) forget about all the bloodshed the siblings had caused--mostly Ainz.

Maybe hanging around for a bit wouldn't be so bad. 'Alright...' (Y/n) decided, taking Tia and Tina's hand, surprising the pair.

Tia looked away, raising her scarf in slight embarrassment as Tina looked down with a little smile.

(Y/n) looked up at them, smiling. "It's so we won't get lost! Now- let's go!"


They first stopped at a food stall, looking over an assortment of fruits and vegetables. "Strawberries? Or blueberries?" (Y/n) said as she held up both of the foods, Tina choosing blueberries, and Tia choosing strawberries. "Blueberries." Tina pouted. "Strawberries." Tia retorted, sounding just as childish.

Were these two really trained assassins?

(Y/n) nervously smiled. She clapped, catching their attention. "Okay okay! How about we get both?" She suggested, earning a thumbs up from both as they paid for it.


She looked up at the toy store in awe before walking in and looking around, seeing the toys that seemed to be limited. Most of them being made from wood or wool.

She looked around, seeing as the twins were also interested. She stopped, seeing a stuffed wolf plush. A female worker with short brown hair and yellow eyes came up to her, gasping.

(Y/n) turned with a raised brow.

"Oh my! That's the fearsome Werewolf of the West! They say that the werewolf could destroy anything! It was as powerful as some of the toughest knights in the land!" The lady smiled, waving her hands around to add more interest in the story.

(Y/n) looked down at it as her eyes sparkled. "Really?"

The lady grinned and laughed. "Yes! It's super strong! And very brave! But, legend has it that the werewolf only comes out on a full moon!" She booped (Y/n)'s nose, causing the girl to let out a few giggles.

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