eighteen | killua

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Killua and Alluka were walking home, it was pretty late, almost midnight actually. Killua had to pick Alluka up at a friend's house, he'd never let her walk in the dark like that alone, he's too afraid she'll be kidnapped or harassed. Alluka thinks he's too much but it's better to be safe than sorry.

It was still really cold, even with the hoodie Gon had gifted him, he even had the hood on. It was probably one of the coldest nights this winter, which was weird because it was the beginning of February, he thought it was supposed to be getting warmer, not colder. He shivered.

"I could have asked one of my friends to walk with me Big Brother, they would've come with me."

Killua shook his head. "Oh yeah, a child walking another child home, what could go wrong? You're just begging to be kidnapped at this point."

Alluka gave him a little shove. "No, I just know that you hate the cold, and you're a big baby."

"I am not-"

Alluka put her gloved hand over his mouth. Killua shoved her hand off and was about to defend his honor before Alluka raised her lips to her mouth.

"Hush, do you hear that?"

Killua whispered. "Hear what?"

After a little while of being quiet he heard it, it was small and faint, but he definitely heard it. It was the mewls of a kitten. He looked around for where it might be, they were walking through a park trail covered by bushes and trees, it could be anywhere.

Alluka began to travel up ahead of them, it seems her ears are better than his, he followed her and she led him directly into a bush. The meowing was very present here, even if it did sound a bit weak. Alluka pulled back the branches and leaves of the bush and looked inside. She gasped.

"Brother, look!"

Killua took a peek inside and there was a grey and white kitten, it was cold, wet and shivering, entangled in the branches. Killua panicked and quickly removed the kitten from the bush. It fit in his cupped hand perfectly, it immediately snuggled into Killua's warmth. His heart melted. What a poor little kitten.

Alluka looked close to tears. "Killua, we have to save it, let's bring it home."

Killua shrugged. "I dunno, if mom and dad find out we have a cat they'll punish us, they strictly forbid any animals remember?"

Alluka pouted. "But Killua, it's cold, and wet, it'll die if we leave it here."

Killua nodded. "Yeah…you know what, let's take it Gon's for now, we can take care of it there then decide what to do later."

Alluka nodded happily. "Okay!"

Killua texted Gon about the cat, he was more than happy to help the cat out. As a matter of fact he was ecstatic about it, he even asked for a picture before they got to the house, then proceeded to scream about it over text. The cat was very cute, it was snuggled into Killua's hoodie, at the moment, he was freezing but the cats cutest provided more than enough wartj for his heart.

Alluka had already facetimed her friends about the cat, there were about six children all yelling at the screen at once while his sister showed off the cat snuggled into his hoodie. It would've been cute if he wasn't freezing, his real goal was to get to Gon's house as fast as possible.

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