four | gon

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Gon knew he wasn't exactly a well behaved kid. He was a good boy at heart he knew that, but he had a habit of not following the rules. He cut class, snuck out, he's been drunk more than a few times. The only thing he hasn't done is drugs, however Killua has been talking about it a lot and Gon might try it. For the experience of course, Killuas not roping him into anything, he's friend would never do that.

Now he wants to break the rules a little bit again, which he probably shouldn't, Aunt Mito got real mad when Gon and Killua snuck out last week, she woke up in the morning to find that he's wasn't in his bed and he got an earful when he finally arrived him. Luckily Killua didn't get caught, his family was so horrible to him and his sister, he doesn't know what he would've done if Killua had been caught, it would've been all his fault. The guilt had been racking him for days now, which is why he hasn't really done anything to wild. However there's something he's been wanting to do and he needs Killuas help.

"You wanna spy on Leorio and Kurapika? Why?"

Gon and Killua were currently sitting on their stone wall, his friend was doing a couple of yoyo tricks for him. Killua was the best yoyo-er around (he doesn't think that's a word)

"Yeah, I wanna see if you're right, they haven't been hanging out with us in weekends like normal, and I know they're doing something tomorrow because Kurapika was supposed to take us all to the aquarium and he canceled, he'd never do that to us for no reason, please Killua?"

When his friend presented to him the idea that Leorio and Kurapika were dating he thought he was crazy. After he mentioned it Gon couldn't stop thinking about it, he's been studying the way they act around one another, they tease each other a lot, and sometimes Leorio tries a little too hard to impress Kurapika, but their relationship is practically the same as his and Killuas. Best friends.

He brought it up to Killua who said they were flirting with each other. Gon isn't so convinced, Killua teases him a lot, and he's pretty sure he isn't flirting with him. Gon thought flirting was being nice and giving people compliments. Not teasing, or name calling. No. To believe what Killua said was true he had to see it with his own two eyes.

Killua looked weary. "I dunno Gon, I'm pretty sure I'm right, I always am, it would be rude to invade their privacy like that?"

Gon frowned and scooted closer to Killua. He poked him in the cheek. "Are you sure your Killua, my Killua would never say something like that."

He saw his friend blush and hit his hand away. "Shut up, I'm not your Killua, and I'm only saying that for your own good, I know you feel really bad about us sneaking out last week even though I told you it was fine, you'll regret spying on them later, I know you will."

Gon and Killua had a staring contest. There was no way he was backing down, he needed to know if Killua was right. This wasn't just about whether or not his friends were dating, this was about a lot more. He's never liked anyone before Killua. He doesn't even know if he likes him, he wants to see if what he feels for Killua isn't just a strong friendly bond. He's confused about his own feelings, maybe if Kurapika and Leorio are dating he'd be able to see that you can have these types of feelings for your best friend. He needs to see it. He needs to know.

Killua sighed. "Okay fine, just know once you've realized what we did was wrong that I'm not coming over to eat ice cream and watch the dinosaur train with you."

Gon gave him an award winning smile. He knew he was lying.

The boy's plan wasn't very full proof. They realized that now as they had been sitting in Leorio's bushes for about an hour now. They got there at around one in the afternoon, they figured they could just sit until Kurapika came and picked him up, then followed his car on Gon's bike. They didn't think they would have to wait this long, they took up the time by talking about the new minecraft world they were going to build, one for just the two of them.

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