three | killua

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Killua only has his phone ringer on for two people, Alluka and Gon. He's starting to regret the latter decision.

"It's two in the morning what do you want?"

"Hi Killua! Are you busy?"

Killua wanted to strangle Gon. Of course he was busy. He was supposed to be sleeping. It was a friday night which meant he didn't have any reason to wake up early either. He could just hang up and go back to sleep. Still, Killua was weak, because anything Gon asked for he'd give it to him. So he signed and said no.

"Sorry to bother you, could you maybe come over?"

He yawned. "Gon I'm tired, and my dad would demolish me if he caught me sneaking out."

Also I just wanna sleep.

"Aw come on, I want mac and cheese, and we don't have any at the house, come with me on my journey to get mac and cheese pleasssse Killua?"

Killua frowned. "You're annoying."

He heard Gon cheer and hung up the phone to get ready. He had no idea where Gon planned to get the food from since everything within walking distance was closed. And no way would Gon ever wake up Kurapika this early for something so stupid. Killua's convinced he's the only person who's never considered hurling his best friend off a cliff.

There was a tree out his window that he used to sneak out. He didn't sneak out too often, only a few times, but when he did something always happened. The first time he snuck out him, Gon and their friend Zushi set off fireworks and got the police called on them. Zushi never snuck out with them again.

Fall was already starting to roll around, it began to get colder, especially in those odd hours of the night. Killua didn't want to take a jacket though, chances are it might get warmer and he didn't want to have to carry that, plus his skateboard, around with him.

He mounted his skateboard and began riding down the road to Gon's house, it was pretty dark and he couldn't see very well causing him to hit a rock and tumble onto the dark street. Times like this were when he questioned why he even liked Gon in the first place. Maybe if he was even just a little ugly it would be different. He groaned and got back up and rode his board all the way to Gon's house where he was waiting on the front porch.

Gon waved as soon as he saw him and ran off the porch to meet him. He was way too excited for someone who was up at two in the morning.

"So, where are we gonna get this mac and cheese anyway, everything around here is closed."

Gon smiled."It's okay Killua, don't worry I know a guy, he leaves next to the middle school, hope the walk isn't too long."

Killua wanted to ask a multitude of questions, like who was this guy who was going to be providing them with mac and cheese, and why was he willing to provide them with it at two in the morning, or why was he even here, or maybe why Gon had such a hankering for mac and cheese in the first place.

Instead he followed Gon down the road towards the middle school, because when Gon asked him to do something he'll do it without question. He's such a fucking sap, he even embarrasses himself.

"So, why are you up anyway, idiot?" He asked.

Gon stuck out his tongue. "Sleep is for the weak."

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