six | killua

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There's very few things that bring Killua true joy in life, he enjoys skateboarding, gaming, hanging out with Gon and eating a lot of chocolate. However amongst all those great things one thing he loves the most is being able to hang out with Alluka.

"Killua look, I found this mod that turns the cows in minecraft into strawberry cows."

Killua smiled. "Oh that's cool, they look cute, what are you doing now?"

"I'm trying to make a farm, I want to get some textures for my other animals too, they deserve to look just as cute as my cows."

Killua smiled. He loved his little sister more than anything in the world, he awaits the day that he's old enough to move out this house, the first thing he's going to do is find a place for the two of them to live peacefully without the control of their suffocating family. He's glad to see even though all they've shown Alluka was hate and disgust, that she's remained a sweet and loving person. She's probably the best person he knows.

"So what aren't you with Gon today?"

Killua rolled onto his back on his sister's plush carpet. "He's with Kurapika and Leorio today, he needs to talk to them about things."

Alluka hummed. "Oh, I was wondering why you were hanging out with me today."

Killua sat up. "Are you saying I don't hang out with you enough?"

Alluka laughed. "I was just teasing big brother, I like hanging out with my friends too, although it's really different for you, isn't it lover boy?"

Killua groaned. The only person in the entire world that he told about his crush on Gon was Alluka. He would never keep a secret from her, plus it felt good to tell someone about it. He wouldn't say he gushes about Gon on a daily basis but when having a crush on his best friend gets to be a tad too much he vents to Alluka. She thinks it's cute, Killua thinks having a crush on Gon should be classified as torture.

"You're evil, I don't know why you made Gon put on a dress in front of me-"

"I didn't make him do anything, he wanted too, plus seeing you get all flustered was funny, and Gon looked adorable." Alluka smiled.

Killua loved her, but like most little sisters she liked teasing him a little too much. He doesn't know why on earth she does, he would never tease her so much, but maybe that's how normal sibling relationships are supposed to be. He wouldn't really know, half his family hates him, and Illumi stopped talking to him a while ago. He doesn't really care, all he needs is Alluka and his friends. That's his real family.

"Killua, how did you know you were gay?"

Killua yawned. "I don't know, I just always knew, I didn't know I was actually gay until I met Gon though, why?"

Alluka didn't say anything. Killua gave her some time to speak. She was never shy around Killua, she actually flourished whenever she was with him. He doesn't know why, he doesn't think of himself worthy of the way Alluka thinks of him. He doesn't think he is worthy to be in a lot of people's lives, but her most of all, she deserves the world and it's not something he can give her. He'll just be by her side, forever, if that's what it takes to make her happy.

Alluka shrugged. "I...I'm not sure, but I think I have a crush on a girl in my class, she's new and she doesn't talk much but…she talks a lot around me, and she's super nice and cute. Yesterday she grabbed my hand and I felt like I was going to explode."

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