two | killua

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Gon and Killua had spent the entire morning dodging Kurapikas wrath, Leorio wasn't that much of a worry, he usually just followed Kurapika around for moral support while he tried to find the boys and punish them in some way. He went as far once to tackle Killua after he let Gon take a shot at a house party they went to this summer. Kurapika was on the hunt for days when he finally found the two boys buying beanie babies at the goodwill and he tackled him at the register.

Now, they were currently hiding under some stairs until class started, they didn't want the same events to take place. Especially not in school, Killua hated detention, it was so annoying.

"At this point we should just skip again, I'm hungry and if I have to skip lunch to dodge that dumbass I'm gonna be pissed off." He grumbled."

Gon sighed. "Maybe we should just get this over with, it's not like he can attack us during class, and if we let him chew us out and apologize maybe he'll let us off the hook!"

Killua groaned. "Yeah whatever you say, if I get tackled again I'm stealing your dumb frog again, just so you know."

So Gon and Killua, well mostly Gon, decided to cut their losses and go to their first period, where Kurapika and Leorio were most likely waiting for them to arrive.

They were right of course, Kurapika and Leorio were outside the door just talking, Leorio did that one stupid finger gun thing at Kurapika after he said something, Kurapika laughed and gave Leorio a little shove, who in return blushed and tried to continue the conversation. Killua stuck his tongue out, those two are absolutely disgusting.

Gon, seeming to have lost his final brain cell, he approached the two with a bright smile and a wave. Killua reached out his hand to try and stop him but it was too late, he had already gone ahead and opened his big mouth.

"Leorio! Kurapi-"

Kurapika's attitude changed when he saw Gon, he's eyes glazed over red and he went at Gon with a vengeance.

"You dumbass!" Kurapika grabbed Gon by his shirt and shook him. "I knew you'd skip, I should've just walked the two of you to class like I originally planned and- you!"

He pointed his finger at Killua, who in return looked up at him with a bored expression.

"I told you to stop letting him skip, he won't learn anything on a stone wall, do you want me to tackle you again Zoldyck?"

Killua yawned. "Yeah, yeah, sorry mommy, just because I'm good at math doesn't mean I like it, plus we studied a bit didn't we Gon!"

Gon looked up to Kurapika with a smile and nodded. "Yup, I think I'll do better on the test now than I would've originally done, and it's all thanks to Killua!"

Killua blushed and looked away, Gon was always complimenting him. He didn't really mind it, he just wished he wouldn't do it around other people, it was embarrassing.

Kurapika analized the two boys' faces for a minute before letting go of Gon's shirt. Leorio gave them a thumbs up from behind.

"I'll be willing to forgive if you guys take the test right after school, and I mean today, if not I'm never driving you guys anywhere again, and that's a promise."

The bell rang signaling the older boys departure. Killua thought that went pretty smoothly, he didn't get tackled this time and Kurapika wasn't so mad. Usually he'd scream, or at the very least shove them around a bit. Kurapika was always that way, he was mostly chill and tried to keep his cool but when he was mad, he was mad, and he seemed to be in a constant state of panic due to all his friends. Still he tried to take care of them all the best he could.

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