Plenatery bombardment

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Fighters approached like a massive swarm of bees to the superfluous size of the enemy cruisers, with some more effective than others. Some plunging downwards to their deaths, others diving forward in honour.

Amidst the chaos, three distinguishable fighters were implemented along with the rest. Their jets circling, rotating and plummeting in a professional way, avoiding all in their use of the force.

Down below, Ryder and Ephraim supercharged their torpedoes, quickly smashing the 'commence assault' control of torpedo 1.

"Rebels, you may want to duck cause a hot missile is headed your way."

Time seemed to slow down as it gradually pulled its weight up to the top. The locals stared in awe and disbelief of their creation like small but solid statues. When inevitably, the missile glided past its allies and vanquished the dome that had covered a cruiser shield.

"It worked! It worked!" Ephraim wilhelmed through the com-links, igniting a cheer and smile onto all their faces.

"All right, Ephraim, let's not stop now we've still got 4 of them to blow."

"Fighters, concentrate all fire onto that cruiser!" Caleb cried contentedly.

"Copy that, Jedi."

The cruiser was stubborn of defeat, and it may have required the loss of a dozen good men and women, but its pitfall was inevitable, and indeed, they had finally decimated the threat.

All enemy fighters soon followed suit. One by one they were hunted down, dismantled and erupted from their planet. Until the final cruiser which contained the presence of a masked mechanical monster, who was well prepared for the assault, hence, diving the cruiser a full kilometre backwards, as their final missile was flawed. The battalion remaining of none but the 3 Jedi.

"What do we do, Master?"

"We do it ourselves." She commanded, before inordinately loping away from her jet and spinning vigorously towards the moving vehicle, catching onto it by the stab of her lightsaber.

Meanwhile, Barriss and Caleb retained their position on the fighters, circling in every direction so as to avoid the blasters. Until allocating the opportunity to boldly accomplish what Luminara had.

"The shield's not breaking! We should try focusing our..."

"Master! I found a weakness. I think."

"I mean...yeah, sure. Barriss, Caleb, we need to resonate this sector of the shield with the force. Let go, and focus on its frequency. It's bound to work."

So, work together, they did. And succeeded, they had.

"Ahhh. Jedi. I was wondering when you would finally break into my ship." He announced, "I'm glad you're here so that we can finally put an end to your insignificant lives; once and for all."

"As you wish." Barriss offered.

Barriss growled furiously as she tightened her bruised hand, the other lifting her lightsaber in a defence stance. The hissing sound of Vader's crimson red blade dominated the room. He almost immediately leapt from his calm statue form to an enraged untamed rampage of a murderer. He swept at Barriss' legs who pounced the attack before adjoining blades with Luminara, who shrugged it off despite his monstrous strength.

Barriss rolled across the ground which had been heated by the intense blade of the duellists and the lava-hot anger of the sith lord. She swept at his torso who fortified the blow with one hand while fending off the others with his dominant. He then flung her body towards the others who ducked the spinning form of Barriss mid-air. As Luminara defended the smash from above, Caleb used the opportunity to damage his legs.

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