The confrontation

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Shoving her aside, he gingerly staggered out and towards his medic Levee. Where he explicitly began to discover the deriving of such pandering acts of villainy. For the malicious drug was built strategically for simply gaining her loyalty towards him.

"Master Bonteri? You're up rather early today."

"Yes umm...we need...we need to talk about that shot we gave her yesterday. There were some really wicked side effects. So I must know the truth. What was in that serum?"

"Why, simply drugs to make her humble to you, of course. Precisely as you have instructed." She smirked, almost menacingly.

"Levee. Tell me the truth." He retorted, "Because I'm damn sure I didn't hear you tell me there'd be an attempt on my life afterwards."

"Come on sir, you know I wouldn't try to kill you. After all, I am entirely humble." She winked.

But Bonteri would not amble. He was sure there was a mangled reason for her tyranny. No side effect would've been so deranged.

"Fine." She miffed, before hauling and paddling a blaster towards his leg, which was swiftly dismantled by his defiant arms which kept the blaster out of harm's way. He punched her in the face when she immobilised the attack by peering before exploiting the weakness. She stabbed his left and swiped him down across the ground. 

Luminara approached, amending to the senator only to witness his pointed finger. He had aimed at the fake doctor whom was dashing for acquaintance. The master quickly followed, trailing metres behind.

"Master, it is done. The serum was tested on the Mirialan and has been proven effective. She's been tamed. They've exposed my cover and I am now running from the Master."

"Keep them there. I will be there swiftly." Answered a mechanical voice.

Unduli lugged her sober and shot at the imposter, who was fast enough to double down and dodge the blow before igniting a blade of her own, unveiling a crimson blood red circling and imposing before her.

Luminara vigorously crackled her blaster into primitive flakes before kicking her in the jaw. What soon followed was a vast series of slashes and strikes which were all abruptly barricaded by the quick whips of the Sith. But before conjuring victory, her valour efforts were wasted by the sudden sensing of dread, the presence trotting closer as it emerged out of hyperspace.

Down in the corridor, Lux was still limping for help, when a rash patrol of strength had enticingly squeezed the senator's hand.

"Remember me?" Barriss taunted from behind, grasping an aggressive sniff of his odor.

"No. NO. NO!" He exclaimed, his mind aligning with the night of sheer horror he'd frightfully endured.

"Lux what's going..." He paused, followed by a "NO!"

"Caleb it''s not what you think, now please get her off of me."

"Isn't it? Then what the riff was that riotous sound from last night in your room?"

"Caleb she's bloody possessed! Get her off now!" 

Unwilling to linger for a second longer, he rapidly hauled the Mirialan from his rash woos, whom if he hadn't would've connected lips with the castle owner in mere seconds: a sight he was reluctant to view.

"Oh, so you want some cuddling too, huh Caleb?" Barriss sniggered, "All right then, but don't think I'll have mercy just because you're younger."

Caleb instantly recognised her Sith yellow eyes, her provocative power quickly pervading his squirming short shaft as he ducked and circled beneath her two legs. Missing her touch by an inch.

"What did you do to her, Bonteri?"

"I...well you see yesterday, Levee..." He was cut off by the fuming hunger from Barriss, who perched and branched Lux back onto the ground, swaying her hot legs across his."

"Remember this?" She teased. Caleb suddenly fell into a pang of jealousy, thus inevitably locking her with all limbs as he drove her carcass away. His back producing a thud as he hit the panels on the wall, his arms lugging her backwards.

"Haha, yes Caleb. I can feel you under me. And I'm pleasantly impressed." She simpered, forcing his stomach to churn with butterflies, as beads of sweat slowly permeated him with shock. 

Barriss rubbed around him incessantly, until Caleb was grudgingly immobilised, promoting her enough breathing room to leave.

"Woosh floom zoom pow zing zone ziet zoon floo." Was all which dominated the right corridors: a mishmash of venerable duelling and colliding beams of luminous lights. Luminara was failing to scamper from battle all the while acquiring pangs of scalding pain.

Despite her old age, virtuoso and experience contented exceedingly to her impenetrable opponent. They dodged miscellaneous bolts while smashing in unison, cumulatively awaiting for one's defeat. But who could she be that she was so difficult to beat?

"Who are you, Sith?"

Then with a sinister screech, she answered with "Naaree."

Does...Does anyone get that reference? It's fine if you don't cause she's gonna die soon. I think.

There are gonna be several more chapters in here but I've already planned for the end. Hopefully I'll be able to publish quick enough cause honestly, I apologise for the wait.

Oh and for those of you who read my lemon story, I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened the book just disappeared. I've tried consulting with wattpad but they don't seem to allow messages to get through. So it looks like my only bet is to re-establish those juicy contents. It's fine, I can get it done, but it'll take some time.

C ya

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