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Adriana's pov:
The flight to Forks was good I guess. While waiting on the gate I met a nice man, Carlisle. He asked me if I was alright. At first I got panicked at his knowing eyes boring into mine, but he softly talked me out of it. He explained to me that he is a doctor and that he only meant to help but that he also understands if I don't want any help. Instead he kept on telling me about his home in Forks. How he was on a short trip here in New York, and how much he has been missing his family. It was amazing to hear him go on and on about his children and his wife. His love for them so openly shown that my heard arches at the realization that that's exactly what i always wished for but never got. Instead of getting a caring dad, i got one that has been beating me ever since I can remember. That let others beat and rape me in exchange of money. No father should do that! Yet mine did it with a smirk on his face while telling me over and over how it's what I deserve. The thought alone let's me shudder.
„Are you ok? You suddenly became all rigid and pale." Carlisle asks with a worried expression. Like always I bite my bottom lip in thought if I should or shouldn't say anything. It makes me feel kind of bad for not telling him anything while he has been telling me about his family none stop.
„I just thought about my past. No need to worry." I softly reply. This at least would be fine to share. It's the truth yet it still doesn't say what I have been through. His light brown eyes though shine in sorrow as if he still was able to figure out what I meant by that. Instead of pitying me or looking at me in disgust, he simply squeezes my hand softly and then returns to a lighter topic. Something I appreciate way more than he will ever know.
„So why Forks?" he simply asks with a curious smile plastered on his lips. Seemingly as surprised by my choice of destination as the steward has been in New York.
„Honestly? I thought that a small town would be calmer than any other busy city. On top of that I have never been in a small town ever, so I thought it would be time to try it." i answer after thinking about it. Apart from the fact that dad never liked small towns, i also had this strange feeling that i would be safe there, no idea why I felt like it, yet I did. But I can't tell anyone about it or they would think I have lost my very mind. Which technically I am not that sure if I have anyway. Who knows. Why else would I be thinking about those two men I left in Volterra? I mean we don't know one another, just ran into each other, yet my heart hurts so much at the thought alone that I left them there. Their pained and heart broken look still so clear right in front of my inner eye that I could start to cry all over again. To be honest, I think I would of taken the next flight back to Italy if dad wouldn't be there. Like I said, I might of lost my very mind for thinking like that!
„I am sure you will like it there. If you would like I can drive you to a motel when we landed? I would offer you a room at my place but I am afraid that would sound creepy." Carlisle says, throwing me back out of my thought and back to the here and now. When his words register in my brain I giggle softly. He really seems to be really nice and everything, but it obviously would look creepy to offer a stranger to come home with you. My giggles seem to be infectious since he joins in with his chuckle.
„I would take the ride, thank you Carlisle." I answer him, slightly out of breath. It feels nice to finally be able to laugh and giggle without fearing a beating. But my ribs hurt a lot Whenever I am doing any of that. The touchdown thought has been the worst. That really has hurt like nothing else, so I am slightly afraid of the one coming my way now. Still I will enjoy this calming time the best and the longest I can.
„Awesome! My wife and I think some of my kids will be there to get me and they will love to meet you too!" he excitedly says. His eyes shining with so much love whenever he is talking about his family. Sadly just then the pilot informs us on the fact that we are going to land in a few minutes and to get our seats in the right position to do so. I can see Carlisle smiling brightly as he looks out of the window, seemingly overjoyed to finally be reunited with his family and home again. Maybe one time I will have that too. A husband and maybe even a few kids that I can come home too with the biggest smile possible. That has been my greatest wish for as long as i can remember. And who knows, maybe in the future this will be exactly what I will have. At least I can keep on hoping for that!
„Here we go." Carlisle smiles seconds before the plane lands, making me grinch and wince in pain. Carlisle looks at me with wide worried eyes as i keep on wheezing to get any oxygen into me. When black spots start to appear in front of my eyes i panic slightly. Shit! What will happen now? Are they going to call my dad? They can't! Please don't let them call him! He can't find me! Please! My thoughts where starting to get cloudy and slowly my eyes fall shut. Instead of hitting the ground as I have been expecting, someone catches me. No idea though who since my body finally gave in and i was out like a light.

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