14 1 0

I had been looking at my phone wondering if they were still in practice without realizing that he had gotten into the truck. Peaking up a bit as the engine startled me ever so slightly before hearing the male clear his throat next to me. "Did Semi attempt to set you up as the manager?" 

I looked over and chuckled softly with a small nod. "Well, he said that everyone at the academy had to be in a club of some sort and that it was up to me but the volleyball team always needs a manager. Although, it is up to the coach to decide if I get to be the manager." I smiled while feeling the truck start to move to turn to look at the leaves and clouds passing by as we drove.

"Well, be careful alright. Coach Washijo is a bit tougher than you may think. But you do have a foot through the door with two of his players of course." He hummed a bit while thinking softly, glancing over at me gently. "Anyways, none of the boys were too much, right? If they were--"

I laughed and looked down shaking my head. "I told you dad they couldn't be much worse than Tendou's flirting. But besides the loudness that I forgot about when you put a lot of boys in the same room together, they were really fun, and hope to hang out with them more often." I looked over at him with a grin. He seemingly went quiet and nodded a bit before I laughed some more. "What? You keep forgetting I used to live in group homes that were all boys, dad. I am not gonna be scared of a bunch of volleyball high schoolers."

This made him laugh and shake his head a bit. "I thought that they would be worse. I guess the first years conditioned them before meeting you." He smiled a bit before pulling up to the academy gates, parking it with a small sigh. "Well, do you think you can make it back from here? I heard that they have a curfew for on-campus students so don't stay out too late."

I smiled and nodded, before hugging his side a bit. "If I get lost I will call Semi or Tendou." I hummed as I hopped out of the truck, about to shut the door before looking at him. "Oh, and dad, thank you." He nodded softly and watched me shut the door, rolling the window down completely as I slowly started to turn towards the gate. Getting past them and heard the truck pulling away slowly. 

I glanced around and thought for a second. 'Well it isn't too late, guess I can go sit where I did earlier and see if Semi will answer his phone.' I bit my lip softly while walking towards the table glancing at the buildings surrounding the campus. Spotting my dorm building in the distance with a simple sigh before sitting down softly with my back against the gym behind me. The similar squeaking of shoes came from the open door. Hearing the slamming of a stray ball, kissing the floor after being pushed through the air. 

If you had asked was it curiosity that got me. Probably, I wanted to see who could cause the sounds that were coming from behind me. It seemed powerful but in the end, just from nerves, I stayed where I sat, staring down at my phone silently before hearing the ding of the notifications.

      New Message From: Semi

            I am out if you are back I can come to find you

Okay, that would be great. I am outside one of the gyms I believe.

Not sure which team is in the gym though.

            Ah okay, I will come to find you!

I smiled softly, even though they were only small conversations. He is a sweet guy, best friend material at the most. I set the phone down slightly before hearing a gasp from behind me and turned to see the very man I was talking to standing on the steps to the gyms. "Oh, I guess I found the right one anyways." Semi laughed as I got up slowly from the table and walked towards the door. "It didn't seem like you guys were done practicing cause there was still a lot of noise in to be heard from outside."

He chuckled and nodded a bit. "Yea, Ushijima normally practices a bit longer after everyone is in the locker room changing. Let me introduce you to Coach Washijo, and Coach Saito." Semi glanced down at me a bit while showing me to the two coaches the seemingly were still watching a nonexistent practice continue. Stopping just a few feet short from the two, making the younger coach look over quickly. "Coach, I brought Masumi in for you to talk with her like you asked."

I watched as they both turned to me as I bowed softly, feeling the stares of the older gentleman as my strawberry blonde hair fell in front of my face softly. "You seem like a foreigner. Are you willing to work hard?" I looked up from my bent-over position and looked at the man that had turned back to see a ball smack against the floor again. 

I slowly stood up and gulped softly. "I do plan to work hard, sir. I am not a fan of slacking off or being unproductive. Even though I am foreign, I know a decent amount of things about volleyball." I glanced at the younger male that smiled a bit from my answers, looking back towards the older gentleman who had gone quiet for a second. 

He smiling looked pleased from his eyes, not giving a chance to smile even in the slightest bit in reaction. He glanced towards me softly and then to the male next to him. "Get her a jacket, be here for practice tomorrow night. You can get your jacket from Semi after morning practice." I smiled softly and nodded gently, taking the paper held out to me by the other coach who stood up softly.

"It's nice to have you on the team Masumi, I am Coach Saito. When you get to homeroom tomorrow you can hand in this form to your teacher after you fill it out. Just a simple club form and then they won't be on your back about being in a club." He smiled softly and tilted his head a bit towards me as I looked over the paper a bit. Looking back up at him with a grin and a nod, turned to look at Semi who was ready to head out of the gym. "Have a good night we will introduce the team tomorrow." 

I nodded and followed Semi quickly, coming to a stop in front of the door, looking at the tall male standing behind the serving line. Seemingly concentrating hard on his next serve. I stood there quietly, observing every part of his figure. The amount of power not only came from his arms within his toss, but the absolute strength to push through the few steps and then jump to slam the palm of his left hand into the ball. Unknowingly letting out the breath I had been holding while watching the ball flying through the air over the net to kiss the floor on the other side with a thud. Glancing back at the male that was breathing heavily and sweating a bit more than he had before dinner. 

Turning quickly when Semi had tapped me on the shoulder softly. "You will have more time to admire Ushijima's power tomorrow. It's late and I am sure you are exhausted." He laughed a bit with me as I turned and nodded a bit at his request.

"Yea I am exhausted. So that is Ushijima? Does he always seem stand-offish to newcomers?" I look up at the gray-haired male beside me as we walk, watching him stretch out a bit. 

"He isn't normally, but he does take some getting used to. He is extremely blunt at times and only speaks about volleyball."



Imma be honest Idk how many chapters I am going to get out soo sorry if this spams your phone loves <3

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