♡Chapter 7♡

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Katsuki's pov:

It wasn't long till shity hair finally dropped us by my house. Luckily the hag and the old man had gone to bed so I can sneak in without neither of em asking so many fucking questions. As I was holding the shivering omega in my arms, I noticed his slender fingers, yet very long and beautiful, tugging onto my jacket around him. As an alpha, it is hard to not react to an omega being stressed. Besides, he doesn't have a fucking friend! Who wouldn't want to be friend with him? I mean I don't know him much yet but, during the little time we spent, I got to see many traits and personalities of him, his kind and caring he is, how he likes to talk about the subjects he adore. Holding him close against my chest, I walk my way inside with the servants greeting me quietly, not wanting to wake the oldies and Shoto in my arms. To my surprise, Roxy was also quiet with her ears down. They say dogs sense humans emotions and shits like that. She followed as I made my way upstairs, towards my room. I took a deep breath before entering my room, looking around as Roxy jumped on the bed, trying to fix the pillow ans blankets which made me smile. "Good girl." I whispered, making her wag her tail before jumping off the bed, giving me the chance to slowly yet carefully place him down. Until I notice his hands holding onto my shirt, like a cat holding  a tight grip. Though, I now notice the change on his face...its as if he is having a nightmare?

Before he gets worse than this I need to get him the things he may need for a temporary nest. Ack damn it! I wish the hag was here to help a little. God damn it. I let out a frustrated sigh, looking down at the omega who had let loose which gave me the opportunity to lay the blanket on top of him, leaning down on his face, only to get the pillow under his head fixed. My eyes land on his face, as if its a magnetic that's drawing me closer, seeing his long eyelashes, smooth skin, gloss lips, not too small but not to big, something about him is very different....he- he is fucking- NOPE! SNAP THE FUCK OUT OF IT! I immediately pulled away, storming right into my closet, where I can get him some clothes. What do omegas use for their nest? What kind of clothing? GAH FUCK!! I'M JUST GONNE GET HIM THE CLOTHES I CAN FIND WHICH HAS MY SCENT ON THEM. Not realizing how frustrated I was looking through my clothes, I didn't notice or hear the mumbles of the omega, until I picked up the clothes, moving up to the bed where I saw him curled up, knees into his chest and his arms hugging onto his knees. Placing the clothes down, I carefully place a hand on his shoulder, which seemed to wake him up.

He opens his eyes, scanning around yet panting slightly before his eyes met mine, making him flinch. Yet, I could see that he didn't want to make eye contact with me which made me rather...wonder why.

Shoto's pov:

Everything was dark. Though I didn't feel cold and lonely for the first time. What happened? Why Everything suddenly turned black? Ah...right...my father called. And then...nothing. A familiar scent made me wonder if I was still at Kirishima's House. Wait. What about the sleepover? Did I pass out? Did I messed up their fun? Will they hate me too? I don't want to be a burden to them...I don't want to be the reason their sleepover and fun was messed up. Is this some sort of curse that i cannot have a moment of happiness? I just want to have...friends and be happy. Do things others do with their friend. I don't want to ruin anybody's happiness too...most importantly, this was a sleepover at Katsuki's friend! I just want this day to pass...the sudden sense of feeling someone's hand on my shoulder, made me slightly getting released from the darkness and the thoughts clouding my head. My eyes slowly opening, searching around to see I wasn't at Kirishima's house but at Katsuki's. Yet, when my gaze turned to Katsuki who was sitting on the bed next to me, eyes looking down at me, with an expression on his face that I cannot analyze it. His eyes are rather soft, an eyebrow raised. though I'm not able to look at him for long...

Did he bring me back to his home? This is really...embarrassing. What would he think of me now? I don't even have a place to stay anymore too...I don't want him to see me as someone clingy. I can't tell him about this now. What he misunderstands it? Without noticing, I had tears running down my cheeks which I didn't waste time to wipe them off with my hand, before he reached his hand, placing it on my cheek, with his thumb wiping the tears. As my eyes travel back up to him, I can see his soft and rather....caring expression. Feeling his thumb caressing my cheek, made me a little to feel better and more relaxed. From the corner of my eyes, I could see the small pile of clothes on the bed, all having Katsuki's scent on them. "You alright? You gave us a scare.." The way he said it, made me feel bad, guilty. With another hand, he brought up the clothes next to me. "I didn't know what things you omegas use for you nest but I had these shits-" He said, looking the other way before pulling his hand back. He brought these...for me to nest? Without saying anything and a second thought, I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging onto him like there is no tomorrow. To my surprise, he wrapped his arms around my waist, his large hands moving up to my back, rubbing small circles. "Shoto? What's wrong? I know this may sound ridiculous to you but, you can tell me. I know something is wrong-" 

"you wouldn't want to know...you will hate me-" I managed to say, well almost like a mumble but I could tell he heard me since he patted my back softly. Yet, I've never opened up to anyone...not even Midoriya. But the problem is, Katsuki is different. He is...someone I like and the only person sees me as...not a waste of oxygen, hopefully. Denki is also a nice person, I'm happy and glad to be friends with him. Yet, it hasn't been even a whole day that we shared our little secrets together. I don't want to loose him either. As the thoughts were clouding my mind, I felt a calming scent catching my nose. Very light yet...calming. Inhaling the scent, made me forget about everything for a second, making me close my eyes and think of nothing. Yet, the memories cross my mind again, making me hold onto his neck tightly and close.

"It's alright Shoto. Why would I hate you? You cant hate someone for no reasons ha? I wouldn't judge you, I promise okay?" Hearing him talking in a calming tone yet soft, made me slightly relax and decided to open up to him. Maybe I really need to spill out to let this pain inside me vanish..


"O-okay...ever since I was came out as an omega, my father was...not really pleased. I had an omega sister, and my older brother was a beta, with my oldest brother an alpha. Though, he was always disappointed of him...because he never ever wanted to become like him. Y-you may ask why....t-the reason why my mother is in hospital is because of him...the r-reason why my siblings all left..." I could feel emotions bottling up in my throat, causing me to choke on my own words. Though, I feel arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug with me hugging him back.

"Shoto, I'm...I'm sorry for what you have gone through. I wish there was something I could do..." Hearing the faint reply from him, made my heart to skip a beat...

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