❤︎Chapter 4❤︎

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Katsuki's pov:

During having dinner, I notice how Shoto was shy yet a little nervous? Though there is this thing in his eyes which cannot quite gets. Tch why the fuck do I care after all? Fuck this day. It's been hella annoying and unusual. It wasn't long till I finished with my food but the old hag and halfi weren't finished since she was asking him questions and such. Stupid hag. Try to be a little normal like the old man but guess no. Tch sometimes I hate it when they compare me to her. She is annoying BUT, she can be fun sometimes. Not saying she aint cool. Just she is only nerve most of the time. Rolling my eyes, I glance at the old man who was smiling and agreeing with whatever hag is saying. I look down at my plate which had nothing in it, then looking back at them. The hag finally stopped talking and eat her food. I can't say I didn't notice the smile along the small blush on halfi's face, it's hard to see him smile like this. Not saying it's bad...what the fuck am I even saying? "Ah Shoto you are so sweet I knew I would like you from the beginning." The hag said which the old man agreed, causing Shoto to smile again. Now Imma admit; I have never seen him smile this much.

"T-thank you Mitsuki-san. I am glad to be liked by you. Thank you for letting me stay the night as well." He said by the embraced tone which anyone could understand. The hag wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a hug and ruffled his hair a little. Tch she never changes...


After dinner, me and halfi got back to my room, me laying down on the bed with halfi sitting on the edge of the bed. I glanced at him from the corner my eye, noticing how he was sitting uncomfortable and holding onto his hands. Looking at him from this angle, I can see how small and fragile his body is. Does he even eat? My gaze move down to his arms, which was were caught my attention and making my eyes wide. There are bruises over his wrist. Without a second thought, I took his wrist in my hand, lifting his sleeves only made me feel heavy in my heart as I could see more bruises and even fades bite marks? I jolt up, looking at him who took his hand out of my grip, his eyes showing fear and the pheromones he is releasing...Not thinking of anything else, I pull him into a hug, a hand pressing his head against my chest with my other hand holding his waist. "Don't panic. I'm not going to hurt you alright? I won't tell anyone." Even as much as I want to ask him about these but I don't want to pressure him. When feeling his breath steady and his pheromones calming down, I still keep him close against myself. I keep denying about me caring for someone OR even my friends. Still, this feeling when I see this person, be close with him and even talk with him; it is all different. I don't know how but its this stupid feeling. Who would do such things to him? I've heard that if an omega doesn't want to be marked, they will cover the back of their neck and neck with their hands...could it be-

"S-sorry. C-can you just....can this stay between us only? It's..." His voice cracked a little and before I could say or do anything, he gets out of my grip and pulls his sleeves further down. I've never seen him like this...it makes me want to embrace him-

Unfortunately, the silent between us got even more awkward than it already was which soon ended when the hag came in the room, taking Shoto and showing his room even though I wanted to follow after them but, I held back. When I lay down on the bed, I couldn't stop thinking about him. Why? How the fuck you expect me to nothing about him after what happened? Turning my head to the window, where the sky was pitch black with starts shining. Fuck this i can't even sleep! I threw the blanket of myself, sitting up with my arms crossed over my chest with a hand running through my hair. As I fucking close my eyes, all I see is his face...

With a groan, I get off the bed and look at Roxy who was sleeping on her bed. Walking my way up to my door, slowly opening it and glance around, seeing no one which made me sigh in relief. If my guessing is correct, the hag put him in the guest room in the end of this damn hallway. Finally, I reach the room and stood there. What in the fucking world I'm doing now? AM I LOSING MY MIND? WHY WOULD I WANT TO SEE HIM AT THIS HOUR? Shaking my head and cursed myself quietly as I turned on my heels to leave. A sudden sound made me stop. It was almost like a whimper or a whine. Okay fine maybe I can at least check this. IT WOULD COUNT AS AN EXCUSE AFTER ALL! Slowly turning the knob, and a small crack of the door, I opened it. The room is dark but my eyes are quiet used to dark by now. Carefully and quietly, I walk up to the bed where I see half n half, curled in himself, knees up to his chest, hands covering his head and the back of his neck. Small whispers escaping his mouth. I lean closer, reaching out my hand and slightly shake his shoulder.

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