❤︎Chapter 5❤︎

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Shoto's pov:

It's been almost a week ever since that night. Katsuki has been rather...different. Yes he didn't really and still doesn't care about anyone nor me...but that night; it felt something different. Like a spark of hope. Maybe I'm just making a big deal out of it. After that night, he did talked to me first and asking me how I feel. Made me feel like I was dreaming. The weather had gotten cold since its almost Christmas. A cup of warm white chocolate mocha always makes me warm durning the day. Yesterday we finally finished our project and gave it to our teacher which she loved it a lot. She gave both of us an A+!  Well we both did work on it pretty well! Not to mention he is the top student in the whole school. Can you imagine in this passed week, around 10 people asked him to go out with them? I didn't stalk him! I heard them from him when he was talking to his friends. It must be hard to hear the same questions rather every day. Who knows how things goes with him when he goes to photoshoots. Wish I could watch him one day...

"Shoto! Hey bro! Sorry to burst your bubble but me and the rest of the bakusquad want to gather around and maybe have a sleepover since its almost Christmas. We wanted to see if you want to join us as well. It's just us! Ya know Bakugo he ain't the fan of some 'extras' as he says all the time." Said Kaminari who had just made his way to me, smiling like always with a happy face. He is the few people who had been coming up to me every day. I found it a little weird yet new? The only friend I have- well had was Izuku. Which he seem to be avoiding me recently. I do not know what did I do wrong. Aside of that, being invited for a sleepover with Katsuki's squad? Am I dreaming??

"K-kaminari hello. No it's completely alright I was just doing nothing. I-i would really love too!" As Kaminari heard my answer, he smiled happily and pulled me into a hug which did catch me off guard. Though I hugged back. My mother would be so happy to hear this. I'm sure she would text me a lot about how things will go. As we pulled away from the hug, he pat over my shoulder with a smile as he took out his phone, texting someone while mumbling softly with himself. When he was done, he gave me a wink. 

"So wait for me after school is over alright? Kirisihima said to come to his house. I hope he can drag Bakugo there. Ya know him heh. Maybe we can get some stuff on our way! Sure if Bakugo joins us he would make food but still, we can try making something light." He suggested while looking at his phone and the clock. If I'm not mistaken, we still have three more lessons left. He quickly glanced around before looking at me. "By the way. I kind of need help with something that I'm sure you can help. The bakusquad will be so exaggerated.." The tone he had was rather shy and I noticed the blush on his cheeks. I gave him a smile and nod slightly. Kaminari is really nice. I don't know him much but by the small knowledge I have on him, he is quiet funny and interesting to talk to. He gave me a thumbs up before waving at me and leaves the classroom. I wonder what he was talking about but whatever it is, I am excited for it. Smiling to myself, I stand up, picking up my drawing notebook along a pencil and eraser. Turning on my heels, I slowly made my way out the class and walk down in the hallways with students talking to each other, laughing and playing around. I didn't see Katsuki around but I do guess he is with his friends like usual. I made my way to the yard where the wind was blowing a little bit chill but it was nothing to worry about. There were students playing basketball and stuff but I walk towards an empty bench near a cherry blossom tree. Sitting down with my notebook on my leg and open an empty page. Looking around as I try to find something to draw but for some odd reasons I can't.

"oh look whose here~?" Hearing whoever said that, made me raise my head. Not them...

Katsuki's pov:

Road To Happiness (Bakutodo)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें