❤︎Chapter 2❤︎

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Katsuki's pov:

Walking through the hallway, with my bag over my shoulder. Damn I wish I could just go home and rest THANKS to this stupid project I won't have a single nap. Fucking teachers with their stupid homework. Cursing under my lips while walking, hearing some girls running after me, saying stuff like 'oh you are so hot and handsome! Will you be my Alpha? Will you go out' and shit like these which sure is annoying. Don't they ever get tired? Tch like hell I would go out with those idiots. As I finally walked out of the school, I saw a certain half n half who was holding onto his bag against his chest, his hair a little messy and I could see his eyes a little red when I approached him. Could it be that he, cried? Ah why do I care? I don't care about anyone...fuck I sure have been thinking a lot today. How did it happen though? Since I saw that picture of him looking out the window. Where the wind blow his duel hair, with his marble eyes which were sparkling due to sunlight. THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME? I rolled my eyes and walked passed him before I noticed a very pheromones which made me stop. It is, like, peppermint with a hint of strawberry? Even though, it is more like a nervous pheromones being released.

Turning my head which made me realise where this pheromones were coming from. Half n half. His eyes, looking down at his own feet, hands clutching on his bag. I don't know if it's me or my Alpha side who wants to pat him on the shoulder at least BUT WHY WOULD I DO THAT? DAMN IT! "Oi why standin here ha?" The sudden conclusion made him jolt, looking back up at me which I could tell I saw his cheeks a little red. Noticing him also clutch on his bag even more as his eyes were looking at me, unable to keep the eye contact though. I clicked my tongue, turning on my heels to leave though, when I felt my sleeve was held by him, it made me stop, looking at him over my shoulder.

"S-sorry. I was waiting for you. F-for the project. It is fine we can do it another day if you are in a hurry though" Hearing his answer made me raise a brow. Waiting for me? Tch as much as I want this to be done another day, it would only make it take longer to finish. Fuck it let's just get it over with! The look on his face had changed a little, a little bit emotionless yet still nervous. Letting out a long groan, I take out my car keys from my pocket, before glancing back at him.

"Let's just get this damn project started. We will be able to finish it by weekend if we work hard on it. Come on or you gonna let the wind take you" I said with a chuckle while walking my way towards my car which I heard his footsteps following after me immediately. As I reached the car, I walked up to driver seat but noticed half n half just standing there. Is he not gonna get in or- my thoughts soon stopped when I saw the look on his face. It wasn't like anyone else who would see my AMG Mercedes; it was rather a look of excitement yet smiley. I shake my head and slip in the seat, waiting for him to sit as well which didn't take him much till he finally opened the door, closing it carefully and placed his bag on his lap. No wasting another second, I start the car, accelerate my way out the fucking parking. "Till we get there think of a topic or what the project is suppose to b-" I glanced at him who had took out his notebook, writing down and erasing it afterwards.

"I have been thinking Bakugo. There are so many subjects yet not one to fit our project." Saying with a sigh made me click my tongue. This is going to be lot worse. While drawing, I noticed him looking at me every few seconds which I didn't give a shit. But, it seems he is doing it more than I have temper of- Coming to a stop at the red lights, I hit the breaks which made him yelp and drop something. I turn my head, seeing him picking up his pencil and as he turned to look at me, the look on his eyes was rather annoyed. "Warn me next time..." He said even if it was almost like a mumble but I heard. When my eyes laid on his notebook, it made me a little surprised. It was a sketch of my reflection in the side mirror. Not very detailed but it was noticeable.

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