❤︎Chapter 3❤︎

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Katsuki's pov:

I glanced at him as my hand search my drawer for my pencil case which had enough pen. And there it was that familiar pheromones. It made my scowl knitted together as I hold the case in my hand, walking my way up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder which made him jolt, looking up at me with his damn eyes. Taking his hand, placing the pencil case in his hand as I look down at him. He blinked for several times, looking down at the case a little confused yet there was a hint of happiness and excitement in those eyes and face of his. As I was about to turn back to desk, he grabbed my wrist but let go which made me raise a brow when seeing him looking a little down and a light shade of pink over his cheeks. "T-thank you Bakugo, thank you" Without saying another thing, he sit back down, putting his stuff back in his bag as he sit cross leg while opening the pencil case, looking at the pens with a look which made me smile- smile? ME? SMILING? HELL NO I MUST BE SICK. I look away, walking up to my sit immediately even if there is this feeling to look at him...

Finally fighting my feelings with force, I glance at the time, noticing it's almost eight. Damn we've been on this shit for a long time, tch. A knock made me glance at the door which was opened by one of our servants, holding a tray in hands as he walked his way towards me. "Your mother has arrived young master." I let out a long sigh but nodded, looking at the tray to see two mugs coffee and a small plate of chocolate cookies. He bowed down before walking his way out of the room, leaving a silence between the two of us. Glancing at the other who was looking at me but as our eyes met, he looked down, continuing his writing with different pens. I stood up from my seat, picking up the tray and took it to the other as I sit down next to him. He put the pens down, pushing his hair behind his ears before looking at me with a slight smile. He picked up his paper which was indeed neat and the handwriting was quite beautiful. Not very smile but not so big, written in a perfect line with chibi cat, leaves and paw drawing around the paper. Almost looking like it was made by a computer. He raised it at me, even though I have seen and analyse half of it by just a look. "H-how does it look? I-i hope its not too...childish..." The word childish made a weird sensation. It's not something a child would do. Kids ain't that creative. This is like a printed drawing! Who would be even rude to compliment this childish? TCH! 

"Who said childish? This looks like a fucking printed text with those drawings! It does not look childish BUT perfect. The lines, the handwriting; not to mention these little drawings are making it look so much better than just a normal project" I was leaking the truth. I know I can be quite selfish AND arrogant BUT, I spill the truth whenever I want. His cheeks turned red which he hides it with his paper. Kind of cute...WHAT AM I THINKING?? AGH! I pick up my mug which is black with a explosion print on it. Taking a sip of the coffee, I feel relax. Damn coffee is so good yet so refreshing. Looking at the other who had picked his mug with both hands, blowing in it slightly and looked inside the mug. 

"T-thank you. It's the first time someone says this doesn't look childish...it means a lot to me hearing it from you Bakugo" When he turned his head to me, I could see a smile on his lips; a smile which I had never seen before. A real smile of happiness. BADUM. Did. Did my heart, just. Skipped a. Beat? The fuck is wrong with me? JEESH its just a stupid smile after all! maybe...fuck. Looking the other way as I let out a chuckle before taking a sip of my coffee and grabbing onto a cookie, taking a bite. 


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