Chapter 54

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Ulrich stared out over the darkening forest below, ears alert for any sound further up the trail. His brother was big, but stealth had never been his strength. If he decided to come back, Ulrich was confident that he would know about it with time to spare. He no longer felt any consternation at that thought though.

Whatever had happened back there, Ulrich was certain of only one thing with Dietrich now: that creature was not his brother. All of the rumours and half clues that he had found, the suspicion that he had become a willing tool for the creatures of the One God, and Brother Ryland...all had given way to his gut instinct, born from their face to face confrontation. Dietrich hadn't just lost the man that he was. He was no man at all.

Ulrich sighed heavily as he maintained a careful watch on the approaches to the road below. Tears streamed freely down his face, but he didn't sniff or cry, there was too much anger for that. Too much emotion entirely. Instead he took all of those feelings and questions that burned within him and placed them at the back of his mind, instead focusing on his new weapon in small stints between watching the road.

It was important to know the tool in his hand like it was an extension of himself. Not only were they likely to fight once again, but even if they evaded all pursuit, their food supply wasn't unlimited. Sooner or later, they would be forced to supplement their diet with hunting, and that could be made twice difficult by the smell of Suma on the air. Any sizeable prey would flee immediately at the first sign of a creature that big.

-Won't that be a fun situation to manage?-

Suma's kind weren't used to hunting as a pack. They were ambush predators, who ate when they were hungry, and only encountered their own kind during mating season. Working with people, with anyone, was a new experience for Suma; it was one of Ulrich's major concerns about Tal's bond with him, being as young as she was. Suma hadn't had an argument in his life, so far, that hadn't ended with him dominating his adversary with magic or his claws, and it showed. He didn't look forward to the prospect of his food supply being contingent upon the great beast's co-operation and self-discipline.

He didn't need that extra burden, he had enough to worry about just watching Suma's relationship with Tal. How many young women ended up being abused and mistreated by a more powerful partner in this world? It wasn't as prevalent in his tribe as in the cities, but Ulrich had still seen it. Darkness like that was a poison, and it could devastate their small group's chances of making it through the hard times ahead. Not to mention Tal's entire future.

He pushed the loading lever forward, grunting, and a problem became immediately obvious. Using the lever forced the crossbow forwards, meaning that it was impossible to load from his sitting position. At least it was without something to lean into. He thought back to the opening portion of the fight earlier. They must have been bracing it against the cliff face to reload. It couldn't have been easy while standing on someone's shoulders just to look over the lip of the road. No wonder the rate of fire had been so low.

Clearly the crossbow wasn't going to be as flexible a tool as his bow was, even with the stirrup and lever. He would need to rethink his hunting techniques and it would limit his ability to find suitable cover in a fight. He stood and placed his foot in the stirrup at the end of the crossbow, planting himself firmly before attempting to draw the string back once again with the lever. It was difficult, using different muscles than he was used to, but he could adapt. He would need to start practicing every day. Best to get Tal doing the same with that sling too, she had been useful back there. As a matter of fact, if it wasn't for her, they probably wouldn't be here.

-Brave kid-

He found himself constantly reassessing his opinion of the erstwhile moody teenager. When it was needed most; she produced. That was twice now that they would have been overwhelmed by the Fat Monk's men had it not been for her. Suma might well owe him one life debt, but Ulrich definitely owed Tal a debt twice over...a fact that it would be best not to make too obvious to the Night Stalker.

Ulrich paced up and down the edge of the road, careful not to head down the slope. His legs had suffered enough today. He gazed out over the forest as he walked, crossbow in hand, silver moon lighting the stunted figures of the tree stumps next to the road below, and wondered at the path ahead. It had been a crazy few days, and despite the melancholy he felt when he remembered Dietrich standing within arms-reach, demented grin showing no humanity, Ulrich had the smallest flutter of hope in his chest once again. He was going home.

After a few hours of brooding silence and tinkering with his new weapon, he woke Shimon for the Middle Watch and waited for him to rouse himself. He handed over making polite small-talk, but Shimon had the good grace to let him get to his bed quickly. Ulrich slipped into the cramped tent, taking care to not nudge Tap before he remembered she was curled up with Suma.

He let out a grim chuckle as he looked at them, so content in their pile that anything this side of an earthquake would register with them. He got into his dry clothes, and wrapped himself into his sleeping bag, the only comfortable place he had in the wilderness. He imagined that the warmth was that of his wife's arms, and smiled, knowing that it wouldn't be too long before that was true. For the first time in what felt like a lifetime, Ulrich fell into a deep and untroubled sleep.

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