Chapter 26

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It had been a particularly cold day, during a particularly cold winter when his Father had concluded his magical training.

Ulrich's second Son had just come into the world and his Father took him hunting to celebrate together, just the two of them. His Brother was off in the world again, fighting for some new cause and generally creating trouble where there was none. The Old Man had begun slowing down as age gripped him, Ulrich remembered thinking sadly that it might well be their last hunting trip.

They had set up for the night, ready to return home the next day. It had been a long time since they'd camped like this, his Father wasn't as fit as he once was, and preferred nights at home in front of his fire, but their routine was the same as it had always been. His Father pitching their tent while Ulrich built the fire, talking of small things and memories as they worked. When all was done, and they had eaten, a comfortable quiet settled on them as his Father stared into the flames.

He was silent a long time, lost in thought as Ulrich cleaned the plates. When he finished, he sat down and watched the birds and squirrels in the trees, wondering idly if the rain was going to come tonight. The skies looked a uniform peaceful grey, and the wildlife became less shy as they both stayed perfectly still, enjoying a rare winter's eve without wind or weather to ruin a night sat by the fire.

"It's time for your final lesson, my Son" his Father's voice quiet, yet carrying in the still winter twilight.

Ulrich remained perfectly still, like a deer sensing danger. Their lessons had never been formally announced and, in truth, had finished long ago. His Father was getting on, but his mind still seemed perfectly sound. This felt wrong. He looked towards the old man and was caught by the weight of his stare. No, that mind wasn't slipping yet.

"Some moments are meant to be formal Ulrich. You'll have to forgive an old man his sense of the dramatic." He uttered with a kind smile.

Ulrich remained silent, unsure where this was headed. His Father reached into his pack and pulled out a small crate. It moved in his hands as he placed it gently in his lap.

"You know the value of life, as only a healer and a parent, can...but life is just one side of a coin. We all tend to look away from the other side of it. That's natural, but healers must deal with the other side, like it or not, and you are not just some ordinary healer."

"Anyone can study the ailments and afflictions that beset us or learn the remedies and herbs that might help. That is no small thing, and you should never look down on anyone who studies medicine, for they are people who bring much good to this world...but you, you are no ordinary healer."

"You are a mage, a sage, a magician, sorcerer or whatever word you please. Your talent's lie in healing because that's in the core of your nature, but magic is a vast, endless spectrum with branches and roots that link and stretch far beyond our understanding."

"There are people who teach that different magicians are constrained to their own branch of magic, but they are wrong. You could create and manipulate fire as well as your Brother, but it wasn't in your natural inclinations to use magic for fire. That doesn't mean you can't learn. With enough effort and learning, a person can achieve almost anything, it's just a matter of time."

He reached into the crate and pulled a small fat rabbit from inside. It scrambled to escape but he held it firm, bringing the shivering creature to his lap and fussing its head with his free hand.

"The most simple explanation of magic is that it is an extension of the mind, but it is more complex and far more subtle than that. We do know that the use of magic is tied closely to emotion. Some say that that is what powers it, like wood for a fire, but I have always believed that emotion is more akin to acting as the key to a lock."

WychlingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora