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Chapter Seven:

Summary: Soulmate AU - Everything has always been black and white. From the moment you're born until you find your soulmate, only then can you finally see the world in its true colours. It can happen by eye contact, or by brushing past them, but other times it can happen by simply hearing their voice. You had given up hope, until a chance encounter fills your world with colour.


You didn't ever believe that you would find your soulmate. In your whole nineteen years on the earth, you hadn't once felt like you were close to them, and even though you knew that some people didn't find their soulmate until they were older, older than you. You were convinced that you didn't have one.

Your parents had found each other when they were fourteen, your older sister had found hers at eighteen. You even had friends that had already found their soulmates. And it was frustrating.

Thinking the world was completely against you was the only thing you really thought about, and your parents had noticed. So, when you woke up on a cold Sunday morning and saw the date you rolled your eyes. Since you had now officially finished college for the summer, your parents had booked you a flight to Ohio and you were going to stay with your aunt for six weeks.

"Seriously Y/N! You're going to be late, stop stalling." The voice of your mother floated up the stairs and you let out the loudest sigh, so your parents knew how annoyed you were. The laughter from your sisters' room, just added to your annoyance. The last item you threw into your bag was your polaroid camera, enough film to last the whole six weeks you hoped. No one was quite sure why you had the camera when all the photos were black and white to you, but you didn't care it was normal for you, you didn't mind. Each one sat in the photo album you had specifically just for those photos, maybe one day you'd see the colours you captured...


"I love you too dad, yes I'll call you when I get there. Tell Marie she can't go in my room. And look after mum." You placed a kiss on your fathers' cheek and turned away, boarding the huge plane. Leaving England for the next six week had never felt so drained of excitement.

It wasn't that you didn't like your aunt, you loved her, but you hadn't seen her in person since you were around five years old, the only communication you had was either through texting or video calls when your mother planned an impromptu game night. You just didn't want to be stuck in Ohio for six whole weeks, most of the time would be spent on your own because your aunt had already informed you, she would be working a lot.

The flight was tedious, and ten minutes had barely passed after you had boarded when you shoved your headphones over your ears the couple in front of you shouting about the fact, they could see colour was more annoying than the crying baby two rows away from you.

You stepped off the plane and were hit with the different smells, England definitely smelt weird, or maybe it was Ohio. The air was also muggier, and it was harder to breathe. But you just tugged your rucksack over your shoulder and pulled down your headphones, following everyone else into the airport.

Of course, you aunt had to be extra, and she stood by the escalators with a sign, your name scribed across it in sharpie.

"Oh my gosh! You've grown up so much little dove." Your aunts pet name for you had still stuck, and although you didn't mind it you wished she wouldn't use it. But it also felt weirdly nostalgic, so you didn't mention it and instead you let her pull you in for a hug before she took your suitcase and you followed along behind her.
Six weeks you said to yourself, just six weeks.

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