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Chapter Two:

Yelena and Female Reader (Willing to take requests, and I can absolutely try and write using they/them and possibly even for a male reader. Requests can be made via my direct messages 😊)

Summary: Yelena and you have been together for a year. Whenever Yelena goes out on a mission, you get so lonely, finding it hard to be on your own for so long without the one you love. Yelena had been gone for almost two months but when she returns home, she brings you a surprise.


You hated being without Yelena, everything just seemed so wrong, and you always got so lonely, you had been given the option so many times to go and stay with Melina and Alexei but you never wanted to leave your apartment, in case Yelena came home and you weren't there.

It had been two months since you had last seen your girlfriend, and the last communication you had received letting you know she was safe was an image of her, a small polaroid attached to a postcard from Mexico, Yelena was blowing you a kiss. You kept the polaroid in your pocket or if you didn't have anything with pockets in you tucked it into the back of your phone to keep it safe, Yelena always sent you little pictures with her postcards, but this polaroid was your favourite.

But that had been three weeks ago, and with nothing else for you to do but worry, you spent most of your time laid in your bedroom, on Yelena's side of the bed, or curled up on the couch in your Budapest apartment wrapped in an item of Yelena's clothes.

Two days before Yelena was due home, you had gone grocery shopping, making sure you stocked up the fridge and cupboards with the foods Yelena liked. It was something you always did, and it was one of the only times you managed to convince yourself to get out of the house.

But then you were back to being alone, and everything seemed scarier, every noise, every set of footsteps that walked past the apartment, when night-time rolled around.

So, you did your routine, for what you hoped would be the last time and you walked around the apartment, locking every door and window, checking each room, under the beds in the wardrobe, out on the balcony and then eventually you climbed into bed Yelena's shirt clung to you as you cocooned yourself in the duvet. Even the bed felt so much bigger without Yelena sleeping next to you.

When you woke up the next morning, sunlight was spilling through the curtains and you opened your eyes, but the first thing you noticed was the bedroom door was open, and you were sure you had closed it...

Then you heard a clatter from the kitchen and your heart started beating out of your chest, you quietly opened the drawer beside the bed and took out your gun. Yelena insisted you had it there, so she knew you had some sort of protection when she wasn't there, and you were glad you had it.

There wasn't time for you to worry about your appearance, your hair was a tangle of Y/H/C curls, and you only had on Yelena's shirt and underwear. Your bare feet padded slowly across the bedroom floor as you held onto the gun tightly, and the closer you got to the door, the more terrified you felt.

But you knew that an intruder wouldn't care what you looked like or who you were, so you ran out of the bedroom, gun aimed at the figure stood in the kitchen, they were facing the other way and a hoodie completely obscured their identity. you swept your eyes across the room and noticed a box on the kitchen table as well.

"Stop right there! I have a gun and I will shoot!" You were glad your voice didn't give away just how scared you were. The person slowly took down their hoodie and turned around and you lowered your hand and laid the gun on the floor, and you ran over to Yelena and jumped into her arms, wrapping your legs around the blonde's stomach and your arms around her neck.

"Hey, oh I've missed you so much detka, I'm sorry if I scared you. I saw you were sleeping, and I was going to make you breakfast." Yelena held you tightly, and you pulled your head back from Yelena's shoulder and kissed her passionately. Just by having Yelena home, you felt safer than ever, and you didn't want her to leave you again.

"It's okay, my brain just went into overdrive, I missed you so much more moya lyubov. I'm so glad that you're home. What's that box on the kitchen table?" You asked, as you lowered yourself back onto the ground.

"Okay, go sit on the couch and close your eyes. And I'll show you." Yelena had a huge grin on her face, and you did as Yelena had told you, quite confused but also excited at what Yelena could've gotten you.

You heard Yelena's footsteps grow closer and then the weight of the box was placed onto your lap.

"You can open your eyes now Y/N." Yelena was sat on the table opposite you and you looked down at the box and carefully opened the lid. You didn't expect what you saw when you opened the box.
Inside, was a golden retriever puppy, wagging its tail happily, and you reached down into the box and lifted the small bundle of fur and let it sit on your lap. You looked up at Yelena, tears of happiness in your eyes.

"Detka, thank you so much." You watched as the puppy instantly curled up in your lap.

"He's ten weeks old, and he doesn't have a name yet. I know how lonely you get when I go on missions, so I thought it might be easier if you had a companion detka. I only have three more missions before I'm finished completely now anyway, so soon I won't go away anymore." Yelena moved to sit beside you.

"I love you, so much, thank you. He's perfect." You pulled Yelena in for a kiss and let the blonde rest her head against your shoulder.

"What about Luca?" You suggested, knowing that Yelena had a huge obsession with the Disney movie Luca.

"I think that's perfect Y/N, he suits it. We can go and get him a collar and other things tomorrow, right now I'm happy right here." Yelena took hold of your hand and you smiled, hearing the soft snores of your girlfriend, happy to have her home.

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