Broken Heart

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Chapter Three:

Yelena and Female Reader (Willing to take requests, and I can absolutely try and write using they/them and possibly even for a male reader. Requests can be made via my direct messages 😊)

Summary: This is going to be a sad one. One day, you answer the door, and your whole world comes crashing down. The news you never wanted to hear shatters your heart into pieces. (I cried like a baby writing this.)


You were twirling your wedding ring round your finger, waiting for your wife to come home. It was her final mission, and you had some news you had both been waiting for, for months now. The small white stick, holding the adventure of a lifetime for you both. Luca sat beside you, and you ruffled his ears, earning a tail wag from the dog.

The knock at the door had made you jump up and you opened the door eagerly, a smile plastered on your face, that slowly fell away when you were met with the face of Melina, not Yelena. And instantly, you knew something was very, very wrong.

"Y/N, can I come in?" The woman spoke softly and tried to take your hand and you pulled it away, holding back the dam of tears threatening to fall, in your heart you knew the words that were begging to be released from Melina's lips, but if she said them, if she expelled them into the universe, it would only make it so much more real.

"No, no you can't. Where's my wife? Yelena please, come out don't be silly, please..." You couldn't stop the tears and sobs wracked your body, and you felt herself falling, but Melina caught you.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I'm so sorry sweetheart. She's gone." Those two words were enough to completely break you. She was gone, she was gone, and she wasn't coming home, she wasn't going to walk through that door again. You would never see her smile when she woke up in the morning, never hear her sing as she cooked in the kitchen, you would never see her be the most amazing mother to their child.

"I'm pregnant...I can't do this alone Melina. Yelena will never meet her child Melina. She was so excited to be a mom, I was going to tell her today, she was supposed to come home today, why can't...why can't she come home to me Melina." You let the woman hold onto you as you cried.

"You won't be alone I promise you that. I won't let you be on your own." Melina's words did little to comfort you, but you cried until you couldn't cry anymore.

-Two Weeks Later-

You had stayed in their apartment for a long as you could but soon it got too hard, and you packed your final few things and called out for Luca to come to the door.

Looking back at the interior of the apartment, you were flooded with memories, when you had spent the first night here. Wrestling over the remote. When Yelena surprised you with Luca. When she proposed to you on the balcony and you both nearly fell over the edge. When you finally asked Yelena if she wanted children and she screamed 'yes' so loud the neighbours had to bang on the walls. Your final goodbye, only four weeks earlier, but neither one of you knew it would be the last time seeing one another. When you found out you were pregnant. And when Melina had knocked at the door.

"Goodbye moya lyubov."

You took a deep breath and opened the door and closed it behind you, leaving every single memory you ever made with your love etched into the walls, through scratches on the kitchen table, the broken door hinge from the many playfights you had. The one pillow that was always moulded into the shape of Yelena's feet resting on it. Random date nights, or just evenings laid on the couch. Everything you had shared with Yelena had happened in that apartment, and now you were leaving it all behind.

Melina was waiting outside the door, and she took your bags whilst you clipped Luca's leash to his collar. Your heart burst knowing you'd never be able to go there again, and you shed a tear as you walked away.

-Eight Years Later-

"Alena! Come inside now detka, it's getting late!" You shouted for your daughter, who had been occupied watching the fireflies in the garden, or as she called them forest stars.

"Coming mama!" The sound of footsteps running into the house made you look up from the book you had been reading, and you put it down and opened your arms, your daughter falling straight into them.

"I think it's bedtime for you sweetheart." You were ready to hear the protests that often came after she announced it was bedtime but instead it was a different question that your daughter asked.

"Can you tell me a story about mommy tonight?" Alena asked, and you picked your daughter up and carried her over your shoulder to her bedroom. You let your daughter get ready as you waited by the door and when she finally shouted that she was ready, you walked in. Luca trotted in behind you and curled up on the end of Alena's bed.

"What story would you like tonight sweet girl?" You took a seat on the edge of your daughters' bed, gently stroking through her blonde hair.

"You choose tonight mama."

"Okay then little one, I'm going to tell you the story of how I met your mommy. This was long before you were planned, and I was best friends with your Auntie Nat. She would get me to come on missions with her, and then one day, we had to go back to a safe house in Budapest. And your mommy was already there, she fought me and your Auntie Nat, thinking we were intruders, I never let her forget how she launched me across the kitchen table," you smiled at the memory, "we eventually made up, and I remember thinking your mommy was the most beautiful person in the entire universe. She disagreed and said that I was. But I knew that since the day I met her, I was going to marry her. And then 2 years later I did. And then a year after that, your grandmother..."

Alena cut her off.

"Grandmother Melina?" Alena asked.

"Yeah, your grandmother, she helped us have you. You look exactly like your mommy, but you have my Y/E/C eyes. Your mommy wanted you to have my eyes. Your mommy, she loved you so much even though she never got to meet you detka. And I don't want you to ever forget that. But now it's late, so you have to go to sleep, especially if you want to go to the carnival with Papa Alexei tomorrow." You tucked Alena in and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Night mama. I love you." You smiled and stood in the doorway.

"I love you too sweetheart, sleep well. Luca come on bud." But the dog stayed where he was and you sighed, leaving the door open for him to leave if he wanted to, and just as you were about to walk away you heard Alena talking so you stayed.

"Night mommy, I love you so much, and so does mama." You smiled sadly, and headed to your bedroom, even though it had been eight years, it still hurt whenever you thought of her. You were strong, for your daughter but nothing would ever make you hate the universe less, not until the day you died and got to be with your love once more.

But for now, you would cherish every moment spent with your daughter, and Melina and Alexei, glad that you had someone else to help keep the stories of Yelena alive with.

Yelena and Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now