You Saved Me - Part Two

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You Saved Me - Part Two

Summary: It's been a few weeks since Yelena saved you, and you're now living with the Avengers. But the conditions from Tony were that you had to bring something to the team. Turns out you were actually pretty good with technology and mechanics, so Tony agreed to let you work in the lab with him, and you also had to train four times a week with Natasha and Steve to learn self-defence and be ready to come on missions. But Yelena is very protective, and you didn't mind at first, but it soon gets annoying, and an argument leads to you finding out why.


"Morning Y/N." You smiled over at Natasha who was sat at the island in the kitchen, you were such an early riser, unlike Yelena or any of the others apart from Natasha. So, you would always sit with her when you got up, and chat. It felt good to have people to finally talk to and know that they cared about you as much as you cared for them.

"Morning Nat, do you want a coffee?" You turned around, redirecting your attention to the redhead, momentarily forgetting about looking for the orange juice.

"Yes please, then we can head straight down and get some training in before everyone else wakes up." You decided to wait to eat until after training and made Nat her coffee and then raced the taller woman down to the training area.

You made it just before Natasha and did a little victory dance, but your happiness was short lived as Nat threw some tape at you and you got into a more serious mood. You strapped up your hands and tied up your long Y/H/C hair.

"You ready to get your ass kicked Romanoff?" The smirk Natasha gave you in response to your question let you know that you'd be the one getting your ass kicked.

You lasted two hours with Natasha, and you were getting a lot better. But you also had to train with Steve for an hour, which was always fun, but Yelena seemed to be ever present when you trained with Steve.

"Come on Rogers, is that all you got?" You always found it hilarious to wind up the famous Captain America and as usual he always took the bait. But this time, his punch landed too hard, and you heard the crack of one of your ribs. You stopped; the wind had been knocked out of you and then the pain came, and you couldn't take in even the smallest amount of air without white hot pain searing through your side.

"Y/N? Hey, hey are you okay?" Yelena was by your side in an instant, and you locked eyes with her, and managed to shake your head.

You were out of action for a week, and it was safe to say that Steve was steering clear of Yelena. You were adamant that it had been an accident, you had told Steve not to worry and you weren't mad, but Yelena was still beyond pissed, and it only got worse from then.

The way she acted, always wanting to know where you were, watching you train, following you on walks, even on your first mission with the team she was stuck to you like glue, and when you got back you exploded.

You were beyond annoyed, it was getting silly now, and you tried to keep your emotions in check as you flew back to the compound, but the more Yelena checked up on you, the more agitated you became, her clinginess and constant need to be by your side had triggered something inside of you. You were used to being alone, and to go from having no one to so many people around you, and Yelena who never gave you was too much.

The minute your feet touched solid ground, you started to walk away from the rest of the team. You needed to wind down, and you were about to go and do that because you really didn't want to shout at Yelena, she didn't deserve it.
But as she reached out and you felt her grab your hand and try and stop you from walking away, everything simply came out, and you didn't have the power to stop it, everything that had been building up inside broke free.

"Leave me alone! God! I just want five minutes, five whole minutes to myself Yelena! I'm not a child and I'm not fragile, I do not need you by my side every single second! Please, leave me alone!" As soon as you had said what you were feeling you regretted the way you had told her, it shouldn't have been thrown out in anger. But you had said it and you couldn't stand there and watch her cry, the tears formed in her eyes, and you turned away from her and the rest of the team and went to your room slamming the door and locking it.

<1 Hour Later>

You had showered and changed, cried, and paced around in the hour that had followed your outburst, and you were just consumed with guilt now. A soft knock on your door made you jump up from your bed, and as you opened it the smile you held on your lips faded because the one person you wanted to see wasn't stood before you.

"Can I come in sweetheart?" Natasha asked you and you nodded, stepping aside, and going to sit on the edge of your bed.

"Is she okay? Does she hate me? God, I didn't mean to shout at her..." Natasha took your shaking hands and knelt down in front of you.

"Okay Y/N calm down, she's not mad sweetie, she was upset. But now she's just worried about you. Do you want to talk about what happened?" Nat joined you on the edge of your bed and you still held onto her hand. Not wanting to let go.

"It all got a little bit too much, I haven't had people, who care about me as much as you all do. I haven't had someone like Yelena ever. I got so used to it being just me, that having Yelena with me everywhere I went, it felt wrong. I felt like I didn't have control. I felt like I was being suffocated, and I know I should've spoken to Yelena, but I didn't want to break her heart, she saved me, and I felt like it would be horrible of me to push her away, she means the world to me, but I have never felt this much love in my entire life. It's so much to deal with." Admitting everything, felt like you had just surrendered part of your soul to Nat, but it was oddly freeing, and you were sure you could breathe a little easier.

"She's on the roof." Was all Nat said and you hugged her tightly before grabbing your hoodie and heading up to talk to the person who meant most to you in the entire world.

You climbed up the ladder and stopped just before you took your foot off of the final rung, half on the roof and half still on the ladder. Yelena was sat not far from you, and you pulled yourself up and walked carefully across the roof. You were just glad it was a calm evening because you'd have gone right over the edge if it was even a little windy.

You didn't speak at first, you just draped your hoodie over Yelena's shoulders and sat down beside her, looking up at the stars.

"I'm sorry-"

"I'm sorry-"

Both you and Yelena tried to talk at the same time and her melodic laugh filled the air and you smiled. But you needed to apologise.

You moved closer and were slightly taken aback as the moonlight cast a haunting glow across the young woman's face, she was the most beautiful person you had ever seen.

"Don't talk El. Please." All you wanted to do was explain why you had been so horrible. But then Yelena took your face in her hands and in seconds her lips were kissing yours.

And in that single moment, you were the only two people who existed. Nothing else mattered, you let your heart open up and you wrapped your arms around her shoulders and pulled her even closer.

"You're wearing my Chapstick Miss Belova." You watched the smirk form on her lips, and you pulled her in for a kiss once more. Savouring the flavour of strawberries as you both pulled away.

"I'm sorry, for being so clingy and overbearing and always there. I should have given you space, but ever since the night we met...I've been so afraid to lose you. I don't think I could handle that. Because..." You watched as she stopped talking, and her focus wavered, but you pulled her right back and gently touched her cheek.

"Because...?" You said softly.

"Because I love you, I love you. That's why I can't lose you." Your eyes caught hers, and you didn't move for a second, watching her green orbs flit back and forth between you and the sky above.

"I love you too, you are everything I have ever wanted and needed in my life. Everything I never knew I could have. You know exactly what to say to make me laugh, and how to comfort me when I'm upset. If soulmates existed, you'd be mine. You've given me so much in these past couple of months, more than I have ever experienced in all of my life. And I love you.  So much." Admitting that you loved someone, was a huge step you never thought you'd take. You didn't think you deserved to love or be loved, but Yelena had given you all of the things you needed to know you were indeed able to love and you were so damn worthy of her love.

"It is a privilege to get to love you Y/N." Yelena slowly pulled you up and you let her lead you off of the roof and away from the edge, she had saved you, again.

And you wouldn't want that person to be anyone else.

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